440. Major Mood Swing (The Beginning)

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"Its a girl, mom." Rainbow texted. "OH YES YES YES!! THANK YOU HONEY PUMPKIN!! GIVE BLAZE A GREAT BIG HIG AND KISS FOR MEEE!!" Windy texted back instantly. "Don't worry! I totally will!" Rainbow responded, walking in the house. Blaze stood in front of her as the boys came downstairs. "Dad?" Travis said, stopping when he saw him. "We have good news for you!" Blaze laughed. "What is it?" Tyler asked. Blaze moved out of Rainbow's way and she smiled at them.


"You gonna have a little sister!" Rainbow laughed. "REALLY!?!?" Tyler squealed, hugging his mom tightly. "Not too tight, Tyler. You don't wanna hurt your sister." Rainbow warned, giving him a kiss. "You're actually pregnant?!" Travis asked. "Uh...yeah. I am. About a month in, if I'm being honest." Rainbow said with a shrug. "What's her name gonna be?" Louie asked. "Now THAT.....we haven't decided yet..." She started. "Hopefully, me and Blaze will talk about that over time, and if we don't have a name in time for her being born, we'll decide the name when we see what she looks like." Rainbow said with a softer smile.


She headed upstairs to her room slowly. "Let's leave your mom alone for now, alright? She shouldn't be doing a lot when's he pregnant, so if you need anything, ask me, alright?" Blaze said to them. "Okay dad!" Travis said, hugging him and running upstairs again with his brothers. Blaze walked up to Rainbow's room, and sat on the bed next to her. He went to hug her but she pushed him off of her. "Are...you okay?" He asked. "Get out." She said firmly. "What? Why? We planned to have gaming battle today." Blaze said.


"Get out! Leave me alone!!" She said, pushing him of of the bed. "The hell?" He said. "Just go!! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE RIGHT NOW! YOU... GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She fussed, pushing him out of her rock and closing the door behind him, locking it. He was hella confused, but decided to head back to his own house and give her some space. Jenna opened the door for him and he ran right into his parents, who were walking down the hall, but stopped when they saw him walk in.


"Welcome home! How was your trip?" Cloudia asked sweetly. "I'm so sorry I haven't been home! I've been gone longer than I should have, but now that she's pregnant again, it's...it's a chore to make sure she's alright." Blaze sighed. "Again?! Wow! You two work fast, don't you?" Cloudia laughed. Blaze blushed and scratched his neck a little. "Yeah, it's a girl this time, and thankfully, it's just one." He scoffed. "Aww! I'm sure she'll be adorable!" Cloudia cooed. "Yeah, me too..." Blaze trailed. "Well, why are you here...instead of with her?" His mom asked.


"Well...after we found out the gender of the baby today, we had plans to do a gaming marathon, but when I went into her room to hug her, she angrily kicked me out. Like, at first she was sweetly her normal self, and then all of a fucking sudden, she's being a total EVIL MONSTER THAT DOESN'T WANT MY LOVE!" He fussed. "Oh......the mood swings....uh oh..." Wind Rider scoffed with a subtle chuckle. "Say what now?" Blaze asked. Wind Rider looked at Cloudia, and they both laughed nervously.


"Apparently....women being pregnant is a man's worst enemy. When they're pregnant...that have these moods swings, that can give you nightmares. Their emotions are also on the brink, and are multiplied by eleven..." His father started.


Everybody Loves Skittles Book V (TASTE THE DAMN RAINBOW)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ