445. Picture Day

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Blaze brought out the kids, and had a smile on his face as they got on the road. "What are you so happy for?" Rainbow asked. "I'm happy for something that I did, and I know its gonna be meaningful to all of us in the long run." Blaze said with a smile. Blaze covered her eyes when they all walked inside of the building, and when he uncovered them, she looked around with wide eyes. "B-Blaze....is this...some kind of model set?" Rainbow asked.


"Seriously?! In all of your celebrity life, you have never been inside of a photoshoot set?!" Blaze asked in shock. She hesitantly shook her head. "Wow. Okay then. Well, I've brought you guys here, so we can take family pictures. Don't worry, when the baby is born, we will get pictures taken of her as well." Blaze said. He took Rainbow's hand, and lead her and the kids over to the white seating area. "Hi! It's so great to be taking pictures of you guys, but I'm sorry to say, that we will need to change your wardrobe." The camera man said. "Who's wardrobe?" Rainbow asked.


"Yours. Luckily, we have an assortment of outfits for expecting mothers! I'll have Violet take you in the back for now, while I put everyone in position." He said with a smile. Another woman grabbed Rainbow's hand and took her to a back room. "Why does her name seem so familiar?" Rainbow thought. "Hi again! It's been a while, hasn't it, miss sexy Rainbow Dash?" Violet said with a smirk. "Wait! Violet... Violet SKIES! I met you years ago!!" Rainbow exclaimed. Violet shut the door behind them.


"Yes. You did. And...?" She asked, kissing her cheek. "And...you....kidnapped my son..." Rainbow said, immediately wiping it off. "And?" Violet asked, looking through the clothing rack. "And....you did things...that I would rather not talk about..." Rainbow shrugged. "You don't wanna talk about it...but...you enjoyed it, right?" Violet asked hesitantly. Rainbow could have sworn she sounded a bit sad.


"I....look, Violet? You know I'm not a lesbian, and I never have been. You also know, that I have a family, and a new addition will be here soon. I don't have time for people trying to fuck me at this point in my life, because this baby is enought stress on me already. My point is: Just because I moan when being fucked, doesn't always mean I like it. It's literally, an instinct for me. I can't just hold it all in. It'll kill me. I do love you--AS A FRIEND, of course, I do hope that you find someone who will love you, but it can't be me." Rainbow said with a sigh.


Violet shook her head and handed Rainbow a magenta strapless dress.


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