Chapter 41

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You know, when you get told you're touring with KISS, you kinda expect it to be super glamorous! Flashing lights, autographs, amazing food, big named hotels, TV interviews, drugs, alcohol... the freakin' lot! But it turned out... touring with them wasn't what we thought at all. We were just over a week and 3 shows deep into the tour and we hadn't even met the guys yet, well... not properly anyways.

Doc said we weren't allowed anywhere near them for some dumb reason but me and Sharise went and watched them perform the first night while the guys got ready to head out. We waited at the side of the stage and tried to talk to them, we were actually just going to introduce ourselves and ask them if they wanted to join us for dinner, but Gene and Paul walked straight past us and Ace asked me to get him a drink because he thought I was some kinda waitress.

Out on the strip, Mötley were practically celebrities. We couldn't walk anywhere without being stopped for an autograph but here, they were being made to feel like tadpoles in a very big pond. They never got a dressing room, they had to get ready in the hall. KISS would get the finest suites and buffets the hotel had to offer but we would get the lowest costing rooms with a basic breakfast package, so we started sleeping in the tour bus and paid for our own food. KISS would get all the praise but if you heard the crowds, you knew it was Mötley that was carrying the whole freakin' tour.

The guys were starting to get real sick and tired of their shit already and I couldn't blame them, but I was starting to get worried. Mick was drinking himself to the point of oblivion every night and he was constantly in pain. Vince was so off his face on alcohol and cocaine that he was just in his own god damn world, he'd hit on girls at whatever bar we went to so every night without fail, him and Sharise would get into an argument that would go on for hours. She would stay on the bus with us but Vince would go to the hotel room. Nikki was just plain old Nikki. He'd bring a chick or three back to his hotel room, bang 'em and then when he was done he'd call them a cab and climb onto the tour bus to go to sleep. He would still have his bitch fits though, he was about one show away from giving Doc a right hook. Me and Tommy however, we were actually doing great. We didn't have a whole lot of time together, but the time we did have we'd always make it worth it. We always made sure that we went to dinner together every night, then we'd find a club and go dance for a little while and then I'd drag him back to the bus and I'd feed him hot pockets and potato chips until he was ready to fall asleep. It wasn't exactly romantic when I said it out loud but, it was to me and Tommy.

We were in Phoenix, performing at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum. It was so freakin' hot, I actually thought I was in literal hell! I was running round with tissue stuffed under my arms and boobs to try and soak up the sweat. We were getting ready for tonights show and I'd just finished Tommy's make up, I just needed to do Vince's hair.

"Good job babe! I look rad as fuck!" Tommy said as he spun his drumsticks in his hand and checked himself out in the mirror.

I had such a big smile on my face. It was literally just red lipstick, a little blush and some black lines but the guys all thought it was some kind of sorcery I was doing.

Tommy scooped me up in his arms and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he started twirling me around. I was squealing away as I lifted my legs up and I kept screaming at him to stop but all you could hear was me giggling away. He put me back on the ground and cupped my face, slowly sliding his tongue into my mouth.

"I love you" he muttered as he pulled away and quickly ran over to Nikki.

I was a little flustered after that but I didn't have the time to mourn the antics that could have happened if we were alone together. I needed to get Vince ready. "Alright blondie! You're up next" I hollered as I pointed at Vince with my comb.

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