Infinite Gacha: Ch 1 - Ep 1 Departure

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"Dad, Mom,...... I'm back."

After successfully taking revenge on Garou, the beastman, he leaves the world's largest, hardest, and most punitive dungeon, "Naraku". The first place Raito visit is the grave of his parents in his hometown.

I don't know if it was demons, bandits, the army, or something else, but the village had been destroyed.

When I got out of Naraku after overcoming various obstacles and leveling up, I went to check on the village. I found that my hometown had already been overrun. My parents and the villagers had been killed, and their corpses had been left untouched. The buildings, fields, and livestock sheds had been burned to the ground.

I tried to identify the culprits of the crime, but it was too difficult due to the passage of time, and I couldn't tell if the culprit is a demon or other races.

The only fortunate thing is that there were no bodies of my big brother and my sister Yume among the countless corpses. We searched the whole village and the surrounding area, but their body hasn't been found.

(Maybe the two of them have escaped safely and still alive.......)

With such hope in my heart, I ordered my men to gather information, search for the two, and find the culprit who had destroyed the village.

About half a year ago, I recovered my parents' bodies, the villagers, and the children then made their graves.


I put flowers in front of the grave and prayed that my parents and the villagers would rest in peace.

After I finished praying, I stood up and wiped the dirt from my knees.

"...... Are you done?"

One of my guards and fellow adventurers, "UR, level 5000, Gold the Golden Knight," who had been watching over my prayers, called out to me.

As the name "Golden Knight" implies, the armor he wore from head to toe and the shield he carried were golden, making him look very distinctive.

His offensive abilities are not too high, but he is a defensive type. That is why he was chosen to accompany me this time.

"I greeted Dad and Mom and told them what's going on."

If we want to reach our destination while there's still daylight and rest at the inn, then we'd better get going. I don't want to spend my first day in the wild."

"Gold! How dare you talk like that to Raito-sama when he's still grieving! And you must speak respectfully!"

The girl standing next to Gold is angry at his comment.

She is also one of my guards and fellow adventurers, "UR, Level 5000, Nemumu the Assassin Blade".

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