Infinite Gacha: Ch 1 - Ep18 The Adventurer Killer

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In the end, Gold was the only one who stayed behind to drink with the bear beastman group.

Nemumu and I returned to the inn we were staying at with the money we just got.

As usual, we cleaned our room with the "Infinity Gacha" card, took off our gear, and relaxed.

Nemumu seemed to be still upset about the earlier conversation.

"How dare them! Why are the guys on the surface world so vulgar! It's very inappropriate for Dark-sama's living environment!"

"I understand how you feel, but calm down. Regardless of the incident with the adventurers just now. So far, things are going according to our plan. Don't be so uptight about it."

Currently, we've reached the snowfield on the fifth level.

By supplying many ice magic stones, which are in great demand, we have raised our adventurer rank from novice to a full-fledged adventurer.

Apparently, this is the fastest rank-up since the founding of this town. The dwarves in the guild are surprised by the fact that we're human.

Besides, there was some good news for us.

"At first, I thought it might be too big for me, but now that I know I can use the Transfer card to go back to Naraku, everything is going well."

Thanks to the large size of the dungeon and the small number of adventurers who can reach the fifth level, I almost didn't have to worry about being seen while flying.

The dungeon was so large that I didn't need to worry about the other people's presence.

I left the Yeti hunting to Gold and Nemumu on the fifth level snowfield and returned to Naraku by myself.

I could spin the Infinite Gacha, check on the progress of Sasha the Elf's revenge plan, and talk face to face with those in charge of Naraku.

This floor is a terrible place for adventurers on the surface world, but this is a convenient dungeon for us.

(... Well, I'm wondering if asking Nemumu "please beat me" should be considered as bad behavior)

I remembered the incident at the bar and started to laugh again.

However, not everything is going well.

Of course, there are some problems.

"I guess the problem is that it's hard to raise my adventurer rank by just delivering more Ice magic Stones.

"I can't believe they didn't raise your adventurer rank to A-level after they saw Dark-sama's success. The guild staff's eyes are not as good as they should be."

"Regardless of guild staff's eyes, if they say I can't raise my rank because I just became an adventurer a few days ago, I have no choice but to accept it."

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