Infinite Gacha: Ch 1 - Ep17 Change of attitude

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Another day comes to an end.

As the night falls, the Adventurer's Guild is crowded with adventurers who have returned from the dungeon.

Many of them have been staying in the dungeon for so long that they smell bad.

Without a single stain or any bad smell on us, we walked through them to the reception counter.

As soon as the dwarf receptionist noticed us, she jumped out from the counter. Previously she questioned our honesty and looked down at us when we were exchanging magic stones. She even muttered in a small voice, "You're too cocky for a human......."

She welcomed me with open arms as if her previous behavior was just a lie.

"Dark-sama, I'm glad to see you back safe and sound today! Aren't you tired? Would you like us to prepare dinner for you? Or would you prefer a drink?"

"No, neither is necessary. May I ask the payment first?"

"Yes! Of course! Thank you again for the large number of magic stones!"

After she replied, she quickly moved to an empty receptionist counter.

Gold, carrying a bag with a large number of magic stones, watcher her back and mutters.

"...... In a way, it's a pleasantly amazing change of attitude. Just a few days ago, she used to be buzzing about 'human beings."

"As for myself, I can't stand the way she's looking at Dark-sama......."

Gold let out a disgusted voice sound, and Nemumu puffed out her cheeks.

I chuckled under my mask and headed for the counter.

Gold put the bag he was carrying on the counter.

The receptionist has a bright grin on her face as if there are gold and silver treasure in front of her.

"Ahhhhh, there are so many magic stones from the 5th floor today ...! As expected from Dark-sama party! This is so amazing!"

Why has the receptionist's attitude changed so much?

The fifth level is a snowfield, and the magic stones of the monsters that live there have an ice attribute.

They are also used to cool things down and to add attributes to weapons and armor. However, the supply is far less than the demand.

The city's dungeon hierarchy is as follows: the first level is grassland, the second a desert, the third a swamp, the fourth a jungle, and the fifth a snowfield.

The jungle on the fourth level is very dense, and even a beast with a good sense of direction could get lost in it.

The number of adventurers who can reach the fifth level, the snowfield, is very few.

However, since we had SR, Flight, we can fly to the stairs and reach the fifth level without worrying about the jungle ruining our sense of direction.

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