Infinite Gacha: Ch 1 - Ep19 Side story - Elly, the Forbidden Witch

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 "If we are here and ...... the Elf Queen Country is there, then a little further back would be more suitable for our mission."

Elly, the "Forbidden Witch," checked her current location against the map in her hand and started walking through the dense virgin forest.

She wears a magician's hat with a large brim, and her beautiful blond hair is tied in two. Her height is around 160cm, and she always wears a hat and heels, which make her look taller.

Her breasts are firm, her waist is curvy, and her hips are well rounded.

Her face is also gorgeous that can make many beautiful women fumes in jealousy.

So it's more appropriate to call her a magical girl with a triangle hat than a witch.

Now, she is going on her own to inspect the site to perfectly carry out the plan to take revenge on Sasha, the elf, as requested by her Master, Raito.

The location is in the depths of the virgin forest, some distance from the Elf Queen Country's capital.

If she goes north, she'll see the mountain range that borders the Dwarf Kingdom. If she goes south, she'll see the ocean.

The forest is dense and dark, and the grass and tree roots grew and twisted underfoot.

Even the most experienced adventurer or hunter would have to be careful not to lose their footing.

"If we are considering not only this mission but also the future,...... a little further to the north would be better."

Despite this, Elly walks as if she were on a well-maintained path, unhindered by grass, roots, hollows, or moss.

Her gothic dress swayed as she walked, and several magic books slowly floating around her.

But none of them are caught in the trees or in her way.

This is because Elly has used the "Action Inhibiting Magic" on herself.

Therefore, she was not disturbed by the trees and was able to walk smoothly in that forest.

She walked for a while with the map in her hand and then stopped at a certain point.

She looked at the spot and the map alternately and shouted happily.

"This is the place! This is the right place to realize God Raito's wishes!"

When she mentioned Raito's name, Elly's eyes started to melt with fascination.

"Ahh, God Raito, ....... If I carry out this plan perfectly, I'm sure that God Raito will love me more than that arrogant maid."

The "maid" she refers is Mei, a SUR, level 9999, the seeker maid of the same rank as Elly herself. Her hair is black and ponytailed, and she always wears a maid's uniform.  It is a fact known to almost everyone in Naraku that Elly considers Mei as her rival.

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