Infinite Gacha: Ch 1 - Ep 8 Dungeon Battle

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"Gold, Nemumu, it's a wolf hunt."

"Roger, Dark-sama!"

"You, are you guys going to fight? You're against the Great Bush Wolf, the boss of the first level!"

"Hahaha! In our eyes, a monster like this is nothing. This is a great opportunity to teach the youngsters how to fight with sword and shield!"

Erio and the others looked surprised at our choice to fight.

Gold ignored their reactions, and with great enthusiasm, golden shield and his sword he stepped to the front line.


The great Bush Wolf's and ten Bush Wolves are growling at Gold in front of them.

He kept his relaxed attitude and called out to Erio and the others behind him.

"I've seen your fight with the goblins, but...."


Three Bush Wolves run through the grass and attack Gold.

Their fur is a grassy green, making it difficult to see them as they run, but Gold blocks their attack calmly.

"You guys used shield to defend and sword to attack. Just like this!"

He uses his shield to block one of the Bush Wolves from jumping on him, and swing his sword to suppress the other two. Because of that, the other two wolves are forced to hold back.

"Protect with shield, attack with sword. It's not wrong, but it's not right either. Do you understand? There's no rule that says you must use your shield for defense and your sword for attack. For example..."


He swings his shield at one of the Bush Wolf as it jumps at him.

The shield hits the Bush Wolf in the nose, causing him to scream, then Gold crush his skull to death.

"You can strike like this. The shield's role is not only to protect. You can't just swing your sword, you have to read your opponent's movements and hit them. You have to use your head and think about what your enemy scared of and what you can do to catch them off guard. Just swinging a sword and hiding behind a shield will not make you stronger."

While lecturing, Gold slaughtered the Bush Wolves one by one without losing a breath.

I can't lose too!

"Fire Arrow!"


I released the attack magic "R, Fire Arrow" and killed one of the Bush Wolves.

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