Hunting the Adventurer Killer 2

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"Shit! Shit! Damn it! Where the hell did that shitty girl go!"

Kaito the elf is in a hurry.

To break through his growth limit, he had been going around killing human adventurers.

Today, he attacked Erio and the other human adventurers, but one of them had escaped.

Kaito is a level 1500 elf, and his opponent was probably no more than level 20.

He was so mad, he slashed at them with his treasured sword, and suddenly a light flashed before his eyes.

When the light disappeared, the girl he had been chasing disappeared.

The incident was so unexpected and strange that he was stunned at that place for more than a minute.

When he realized that he had missed the girl who knew his face, race, features, physical appearance, and fighting methods, it was already too late.

He hurriedly duplicated Grandius' treasured sword and rode it.

He flew around, looking for the girl. But he couldn't find any sign of the runaway girl.

While flying in the sky, he continued to bite his thumb.

"There's no sign of other people around here. Even if she uses some magic item to temporarily disappear, there's no way she can escape my detection sense. Maybe she was using a transfer item to move farther away from here...... No way! Is she already outside the dungeon! No, no, no, no! That's impossible. There is no way that dirty little girl has such a high-ranking magic item! If she has it, why didn't she use it right away?"

This is a situation where her life is at stake.

If Kaito was in the same situation, he wouldn't hesitate to use even the rarest item.

"... Maybe that light was just a distraction, and she was just running away from me. That makes more sense, just like a smoke ball... However, there is no sign of her presence at all...Argh! Did she go back to her friends???"

Kaito turned his gaze towards the entrance of the dungeon and looked for signs of life.

If he is in the same position as the girl, he will head for the entrance of the dungeon too.

"She's trying to run back to her friends while pretending that she's escaping to the dungeon entrance! Then she heals them if they're still alive, gets some more useful items, and escapes again! Damn it! Humans are as weak as bugs, but they are so sneaky!"

After thinking about it, he didn't finish them off because Miya ran away from him, and he knew they would die soon.

Kaito hurriedly changed his course and headed for the location where Erio and the others had collapsed.

It is difficult to imagine that a group of young adventurers wandering around the first level of a dungeon can possess a rare item that allows them to teleport long distances.

Usually, these kinds of items are kept by royal families, noblemen, high-level adventurers, and wealthy merchants to ensure their safety and escape in case of emergency.

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