chapter fourteen

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"Okay so, now that we're here," Lauren started, causing Camila to toss her head back with a groan. "Hey, you said we can talk once we get there and," She gestures to their surroundings.

"Fine." Camila relented. "What is it?"

"So this whole thing with Y/N...what's up with you two?"

"I don't know." Camila answered loosely, trying to keep an eye on their surroundings.

"Oh, bullshit." Lauren scoffed. "She didn't come home last night. And then she showed up with you, so..."

"So? She's spent the night before, what does it matter?"

"Uh? Y/N doesn't usually do sleepover, Camila." Lauren rolled her eyes, sick of the excuses.

"Well I don't know what you want from me, Lauren. She came over last night, I told her how I felt, she stayed the night." Camila gave in.

"You told her?" That got Lauren's attention. She sat up straighter.

"Yup." Camila nodded. "Then we went to bed. The end."

"No, not 'the end'." Camila sighed, completely over this conversation. "That's huge! You finally told her."

"She didn't say anything back." Camila muttered.

"Y/N never says anything, really. It's not a bad thing."

"I know." Camila started picking at her nails. "She's always been more of an actions kind of person, and I'm okay with that. I just wish she would have said something."

"She still stayed the night." Lauren pointed out. "Did you...?"

"What?" Camila's widened at the realization, red creeping up her neck and across her cheeks. ", no we didn't"

"Have you ever?"

"I—Lauren, I don't want to talk about this with you." Camila looked out of her window, wishing for the blood to leave her face. "This morning," She decided a subject change would be nice right about now. "She didn't say anything. She just jumped away from me when she woke up and then...that's it."

"Alright, look," Lauren turned in her seat to meet Camila's eyes. "Don't take that personally."

"Well, that's easier said than done." She huffed.

"I know, but...Y/N doesn't do...feelings. Which we know. So she probably just got scared." Camila already knew everything Lauren was telling her, and she also knew Y/N just got scared this morning. That doesn't make it hurt any less.

Camila stayed silent, effectively ending the conversation. She knows Y/N isn't used to relationships and being intimate with other people. Still, she just wishes that Y/N could fight through it and let herself feel. Even if she doesn't feel anything for Camila, as much as that would be unbelievably painful, she just wants her to open up about her feelings. That's all.


"Nothing?" Dinah asked as the two women arrived at the apartment.

"Nope." Camila sighed. She was extremely tired and had work again in a few hours. All she wanted to do was sleep. She decided to come in with Lauren, selfishly hoping Y/N would let her sleep here before work. She longed to feel Y/N's arms around her, holding her close and making her feel safe, even if she had done just that only two night ago.

"Well, come take a look at this." Dinah led them into the office and took a seat at her computer. She pointed to one of the monitors. "This was about four miles away from the location Lauren said you were told."

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