𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 :

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A few hours have passed, tiring, horrible! Hours. I've been sitting here for so long, stuck in my thoughts, I finally stood up, my legs were weak and it felt like I could fall over any moment, though I sucked it up and pretended everything was fine, I silently made my way to the kitchen. As I walked in I quickly glanced to the clock on the wall, 4:21 PM. It's been that long? Huh. I brushed it off, flicked the kettle on to start making myself a cup of tea, only at that moment I could hear footsteps entering by the well, entrance. Turning around I saw Kenny, obviously. "What'cha doin Y/N?" Kenny asked while he leaned on the counter, "I'm making tea, do you want some too?" "Tea? No thanks." He said with a small smile. It went quiet - except for the kettle boiling up water, but it was silent between me and Kenny, I didn't dare face the kettle, our eyes were both locked to each other, as if we were communicating through eye contact. The kettle made a clicking sound, signaling the water was done boiling, I briefly gave him a smile before turning around to finish making my tea, "Is this what you guys do every weekend? Come to Eric's house to play video games all day?" I asked before swiftly turning around, walking to the counter and leaning towards it opposite from him, "Well..." He began to trail off, thinking, "It's not always Eric's house, we kinda make turns! Except for my house. . . We always play games at sleepovers." He finished, I just glanced at him while I was sipping my tea, "Why don't they go to your house?" I questioned, it was odd that they didn't go to his place, "Er... That's complicated. . ." He started, scratching the back of his neck, obviously he did not want to talk about it, I shrugged it off and continued drinking, it was silent again, he just stared at me. I pretended to not notice but Jesus. . .

Once I finished my tea I placed it in the kitchens sink, I froze in my place as I heard a door open in the living room, it followed with someone talking, "F-fellas!! Fellas!!" A sweet toned voice echoed, the person who's voice that was, was probably panicking or something, Kenny and I both leaned at the kitchens entrance, peaking at the living rooms door, standing there, visibly was a platinum blonde kid, light blue eyes with a undercut, he was wearing a turquoise zip jacket, his expression was scared, his hands fiddled together, "What is it now, Butters?" Eric spoke, unfazed by the boy at the door's entrance, "I-its the girls! They want to kill us!" He barked nervously, "Oh come on Butters, you have no idea what you're talking about." Stan said aggravated, "N-no, it's true!! Come on guys!!" He said desperately, he glanced at the kitchen entrance, catching a sight of Kenny and I, "K-Kenny! You gotta believe me!" He yelled, it seemed like he didn't care at the moment that I was there, Kenny stood out, grabbing my hand and we both entered the living room, "Butters. How the fuck are the girls going to kill us? Where did you even hear this?" Eric said uninterested, "Clyde told me!! We have to do something!" "Clyde? Ugh, come on guys, let's just go to fucking Clyde's house." He said while standing up, he really didnt want to go, everyone groaned and stood up, walking out of the door following Butters.

We stopped at a big brown house, Kenny still held my hand, I mean I didn't mind of course but it did give me some type of butterflies. Eric walked up to the door and knocked a few times, then stood back. After a few minutes the sound of a turning doorknob occurred, the front door opening slowly, I couldn't see who answered the door, since Eric blocked the view with his fat ass. "Eric, guys? What are you doing here?" A raspy voice started, "Cut the crap, Clyde. What's this about the girls wanting to kill us? Butters told us all about it and said you told him!" Eric spat, "The girls? Killing us?... Oh! Well, I was at raisins earlier and overheard some girls talking... Something about creating their own game and fighting the boys, I think it's because we never let them play?" "Play? We played back when we were ten! Why do these bitches always hold a grudge!" Eric said furiously, I have no idea what's going on, I felt someone tuck my sleeve my my side, I turned my head to where its from, the boy called Butters nervously smiled at me, "H-hey there! I'm Butters, who are you? You strangely have the same eyes as Eric. . ." He said while fiddling with his hands again, "I'm Y/N, Eric's twin sister." I said with a small smile, his eyes widened, "Well gee, I didn't know Eric had a twin sister! It's nice meeting you, Y/N!" He said with a beaming smile, he looks so kind hearted. . .

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