The New Shield

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"I wanted to just say how great it is to be back in power" I watched as Stephanie started her little speech that to be honest was pissing me off to no end her little snarky ass smile needed to be wipe off her face so I being the bitch I am decided to go out there. My music hit and I slowly walk out onto the ramp with my own smirk that played on my red lips, pulling a microphone to my mouth I laughed a little.

"Lets hear it for Stephanie!" I clapped and stopped and went to my serious and deadly face. "You girl only are back in power because you had a dirty little secret with Render and let us all take a look on what happened last time you seen me" I hold my arms out and the clip started to play of Bray smacking me and then oh when I said Render was a fake I laugh a little and cleared my throat as the lights came back on and I was on the skirt of the ring and I watched as the lights come on and she jumped back in surprise.

"Nova you better back up now befor-" I cut her off.

"Before what? you have your new hounds claw at me? guess what while you were gone did you see the show?" I tilt my head to the side just to add effect to the situation.

"Well no I couldn't stand to see what you guys had done to my show" Stephanie snapped at me and I only smirk as Seth's music hits and he comes walking down no longer in his authority attire but in black pants and a black shirt with a smirk on his face.

"Stephanie I must ask who really won this all?" I slide into the ring creeping towards her I pull the microphone away from my mouth. "You can't separate a good friendship Steph"

"Seth what are you doing?"she stuttered and I walk as I watch him start to speak to her.

"You promised me big things but I haven't seen them Stephanie, I can't stand by no more and watch you hurt my girl Nova here" Seth swings a arm around my neck and smirks at her "I resign as a authority and take my rightful place as Seth Rollins in the Shield!" The crowd screams.

"Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta The Shield" I watch as Dean and Roman walk down the crowd and slide into the ring. I step back as the three boys put their fists together, I look at them and smile but I am pulled in with the three but now we are the four. I walk towards Stephanie and glared deeply into her eyes.

"The shield lives on! And justice shall be served!" I crouch and grab her and slam the hunting lioness on her and stood and screamed. I paced the ring slowly as Roman watches me with a smirk, I grab the ropes and jump over them following Dean and Seth. Walking back to my locker room the door is shut behind me and I am lifted and lips connect with mine, I wrap my legs around his waist running my hands in his hair.

"That was hot Baby girl" his deep voice against my ear, I smirk some knowing I must have turned him on.

"You were not that bad out there either Ro" I kiss his exposed neck lightly making him shiver slightly and I smirk some, his grip lightly tightens around me as I reach locking the door and he pushes me against the wall and kisses me passionately. It was getting heated when there was a knock and a call.

"Nova your match starts in 30!" I moan softly and look at Roman he only chuckles at me and sets me down, I fix my hair and straighten my shirt.

"Maybe later after we go out we have the whole hotel to ourselves" I smile as he says this and I kiss his cheek and walk out and head towards the spot and Renee comes to me and I wickedly smirk.

"Nova we all just witnessed The Shield getting back together are you worried about Seth Rollins turning on you guys again?" I laugh a little at her question and look at her.

"No because Seth finally knows he belongs with The new and improved Shield, Hunter and Stephanie can pout and scream all they want but they can not beat a bond" I say without stumbling over any of my words knowing I am right and if Seth did turn again he would be in a world of hurt not from Roman or Dean but me.

"I see now are you fearing your handicap match tonight against Nikki and Aj?" I laugh a little and shake my head.

"Renee I am Fearless meaning I do not fear anything" I turn and walk towards the gorilla pulling my hood up, my music hits and I walk out jumping smacking my hands on the metal and stand with a smirk. "That's what in talking about!" I run and slide into the ring and stood up in front of Aj real close and blow air in her face and she jumps back making me lean my head back and laugh.

"Quit your mind games Nova you won't win" I look at Nikki and snort and walk towards my corner and leaned on the ropes waiting sliding my jacket off.

"We will see" I stretch cracking my back and the bell rings and I circle Aj with a smirk, she does her little skip and I twist my direction and knock her off her feet and laughed.

"I think Nova is toying with Aj Lee here John"

I stumble back when her foot makes contact with my lower jaw and I spit blood out with a smirk and glared, I crouched and waited but someone knocked my over and I stood going toe to toe with Nikki.

"Stay out of a fight that isn't yours Nikki!" I am pulled back and slammed into the mat with a wince and felt fists go into my sides, I kick Aj off and roll to my stomach coughing.

"Come on get up Nova!" I felt a foot to the side crying out in pain, I slap the mat and got to my knees and hands but felt another foot to the stomach dropping crying out. "Get up and fight me!"Nikki screams I lay breathing heavy my eyes slide shut, in my mind I see my little Brett smiling and I open my eyes again and yelled smacking the mat a few times again and twisted and jumped up and connected my feet to her face letting her drop. My hair in front of my face and I scream pulling my hair and paces around her, my nerves twitch I kick her side.

"How do you like it! huh?!" I bend down in front of her and grab her chin making her look at me. "Your not worth my time" I drop her head and slide from the ring and walk up the ramp taking a microphone in my hands.

"You get back here I'm not done with you!" Nikki screams in the ring I look back at her.

"Well when the authority finally grows a pair of balls tell them to face me not send one of their bitches!" I drop the microphone and walks back to get my cuts and sides checked, I needed to get that out.

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