I do

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I watched as she walked down that isle, her white dress so beautiful on her.

Nova view!

I could hardly breath, my heart pounding as I walked towards him. The man I have chosen to give my heart to, father of my child. He stood at the alter dressed sharp in his black suit, I had almost forgot to walk and not run to him as John took me down the isle. My own father wouldn't do it, he told me he never wanted to see me again till the day I quit the company. And I almost felt bad when I said he will never get to know his grandchild Brett, oh my little girl only 7 months old. I get to the stairs and roman takes my hand, I felt my heart leap as him and I walked up to the priest.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to unit Nova Leake and Roman Reigns in love...." I looked into his eyes as he returns the stare, Roman's lips turn to a smile.

"Nova do you take Roman to be your husband forever in sickness and health? For better for worse, in richness and in poor?" I shiver slightly, I look at the man that stole my heart almost a year and a half ago.

"I do" I whispered softly, I take the golden ring and slid it onto his ring finger with my own hands shaking.

"Roman do you take Nova to be your wife forever in sickness and in health? For better for worse in richness or in poor?"" Roman smiles and looks at me sliding on the ring.

"I do" he lightly rubs the top of my hand with his battle worn fingers.

"Then I pronounce you Husband and wife" he closes his book signaling for us to kiss and you didn't have to ask twice I have been waiting for this moment since I said yes to him.

Roman leans down taking my veil over my head and lifted my chin, our lips connect I put my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer. The crowd claps and shouts whistling, I pull away and laugh as I am handed Brett. A huge smile on her face, roman takes her and kisses her cheek. He then takes my hand and walks down the isle as I hold my dress up making our way towards the door, John scoops up Brett.

"Take your time coming to the hall I will watch this little monkey" he pokes Brett's stomach as she giggles, I look at him.

"Are you sure John?" I watch how he reacted to his little niece.

"Don't worry it will be fine" he waves me off and I walk out Cameras flash we get into the limo and I laugh a little.

"What's so funny Mrs. Reigns" roman asks with a smirk on his face, I look at him.

"It was a laugh of joy" I kiss him, he chuckles and pulls me on his lap.

"Well do you want to stop at the hotel before we get to the hall?" he raises a eyebrow, I make a thinking face as if I really was going to say no.

"That's a good plan, this dress is killing me" I huffed and smiled at him. He nods then looks at me.

"Next Monday you come back on the show" I had totally forgotten about that, I nod some.

"What are we going to do with Brett?" I ask softly, I frown some as well.

"I uh I got John to come along, he said to say it is a wedding gift. And Nanna told me she will kick our asses if she doesn't get to watch her once and a while. But I thought since John is coming along we get to see her everyday so we don't miss the small and big things in her life." I kiss him and smile again this man always had new surprises.

"That is so amazing I can't believe John how did you get him to come?" I asked with excitement really wondering how he did so.

"Oh you know I guess I have to give him a pay check." I look at him and frown some, but he reassured me with a kiss as we pulled up to the hotel. I was about to get out and walk but roman took me by surprise and swept my feet out from under me and walked towards the elevators as I laugh a little, his face bright with a smile as he chuckles carrying me.

"You always have a surprise waiting to happen" I kiss his cheek as we got in the elevators, I press the button to the top. We rode up in silence just enjoying the closeness we were sharing, the doors open and we walk to our room. As we got in he was already almost shirtless and my dress unzipped, he sets me down and I shimmy out of my dress and he pushes me lightly onto the bed as we kissed. I had almost forgotten the passion we shared each time, ever since Brett was born we haven't had the alone time and I thanked John for this time. His touch lingered against my skin, his body heat against my skin made me shiver wanting more. The phone rings and I reach for it and roman grabs it.

"Hello?" He answers keeping his breathing normal, I hear Paige on the other end.

"Brett needs a new outfit that girl is so messy I give her some banana and she gets it all over herself" she acts like she is dramatic, I hold back a laughter only my daughter.

"Alright alright we will be on our way then" as he says this I stand up but he grabs my waist pulling me back, I laugh a little "we still got time" he kisses me.

Ruthless NovaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin