Should have been

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"Has anyone seen Nova lately? She is is some trouble when she decided to attack my wife on national television and i won't tolerate that!" Hunter stood in the ring with Render and I chuckle some watching the TV, I had went home deciding I needed to see my little girl so I sat in the house with her asleep on the couch beside me. I look at my hands and my wedding ring and smiled softly finally I was content with my life, I had a loving husband, a beautiful daughter, my job, and anything I asked for it was perfect in my eyes. I wouldn't change anything that has happened to me i was happy. I watched the screen as Roman's music hits and i raise my hands in a silent cheer for him.

"You better keep Nova 's name from your mouth before some bad things happen to your face.... and your little bitch there too" Roman eyes wild as I watched him take care of business and to be honest he looked hot out there, he was standing in front of Seth and Dean making him look like he has all the power and in which he did he was the powerhouse. Usually Seth would lead but since this was Roman's business he was and I was proud of him. I couldn't wait to get him home we decided to take a whole week off since they didn't need us there i couldn't wait because we were taking Brett to my Dad's and we were having a weekend party she finally gets to meet some of the other family.

"This is no of your concern Mr.Reigns this is between us and Nova" Hunter raises his one hand and points it at him and the screen shows Roman chucking. His face gets dead serious and i knew that look the look like your ass is mine and i knew that look because he gave me that look just joking around in the bedroom.

"Any thing to do with Mrs. Reigns is my concern anything that happens to her happens to me Hunter so why do you need my wife" he crosses his arms and waits for the answer and so did I. I knew why he wanted me and it still made me laugh today that face Stephanie made was priceless when she seen Seth beside us once again. It felt great to have one of my best friends back it was like normal almost, I missed the true Seth and this was him.

"If you must know there will be a match between Nikki and her but here's the thing it will be no disqualification match to settle the little argument between them and you Roman have a match with me a cage match" Render smirks as he speaks making my skin crawl he was creepy from the first day i had seen and met him and i hated that we trusted him and this is what had happened, Shawn was working on a plan but i really didn't want to be part of it this time since the last time it didn't end well and we all know what had happened. "And Nova I know your watching so I want you to listen good and hard about what I am about so say, you are...." He goes on about threatening so I set my camera up and do a live Promo as it appears on the big screen as i sent it.

"Render Render Render your threats are meaningless you are nothing but a coward so keep running your mouth because it gets your no where. When i come back next Friday guess what is going to happen?" I look into the camera and laugh a little and smile "Roman is going to beat your ass and then I am going to kick Nikki ass so sorry about your luc-" I stop as Roman gets attacked from behind by Randy and I gasp and shut off my camera. I watched in horror as Roman is thrown into the barrier and the stairs. It pained me to watch this i wanted to be there to help him Dean and Seth had been taken out by Render and Hunter and my eyes shut as i jumped listening to the sounds and people yelling. This isn't happening they planned this they knew i wasn't there to help him it wasn't fair!

"Nova are you seeing this? Your husband is nothing but a rag doll!" I pace a little tears drop down my cheeks as I watched helpless as my husband was laying his eyes closed and breathing heavy, he had gotten up and got a few hits in but then Randy RKO him into to the table making me flinch and cry more.

(Roman's view)

I was about to attack when I am hit from behind and Randy kicks me down the ramp stalking after me, I stand up and smack him but then I am thrown into the barrier and I grunt.

"Who is the tough guy now!" He grabs my hair yelling into my face and I flip him and stagger leaning over the stairs when I am shoved into them, the metal cuts my lower stomach making me wince. He takes me to the announcement table and does a RKO and my lights went out for the rest of the beating. I was hoping Nova wasn't watching this right now this is not what she needs right now.

( later and Nova View)

I opened Skype and seen his face appear and i frown tears still falling, Roman was hurting bad I could see it in his eyes. His face cut up and i look away hating to see him like this, it made my blood boil.

"What else is there? " I wanted to know I really did, that is what a wife is for to worry and care for her husband and I wasn't there to help him it is my fault i shouldn't have came home.

"Don't worry about what else baby girl I will be home early tomorrow" His voice was weak and I cry more. "Why are you crying?" He asks me but he knows the answer to this he has to.

"Because I should have been there to help you but I wasn't it isn't fair Roman why do we always get targeted? Why do we have to suffer? It is my fault that your like this i shouldn't have went home i could have been there to help you like you always help me when i am in danger that is what people in love do and_" I look at him and wipe the tears away from my eyes and sniffled, he looks at me and smiles some why in the hell was he smiling this isn't funny!

"Because the good ones always suffer the most baby girl one day we will have this little world wrapped around our fingers. Stop blaming yourself i will be fine i am a big boy i can handle a little pain now and then it won't kill me. " I wish I could hug him right not but I couldn't and it sucked, he was tired I could see it in his blue eyes.

"Get some rest Roman I will see you tomorrow we will talk then about this your tired " I tell him "I love you"

"I love you too baby girl" the screen goes black and I pick Brett up and take her to her room and laid her down and stood there watching her. Her skin has her father's tone but she had my hair color and natural curl to it, if you seen her eyes they were a mixture of both our eyes it made them look blue and green. I never thought I'd be here today, I though I would still be with Randy and we would be married with our own child but now here I'm standing here watching my beautiful daughter and waiting on the man of who I have given my hand and heart to. The man I love and always will.

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