Just Fishing

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I watched as her little pig tails bobbed up and down as she ran towards the small pond, I was taking Brett fishing. She had gotten so excited, she was growing so fast and almost made me feel old. I laugh at that as I got her pole ready.

"Daddy I want to catch a big one!" Brett giggled as she stood as I handed her the pink and blue pole I had bought her before coming here to fish, I had taken her from the house so Nova could spend some time with her father. I just simply smile at my angel and chuckled deeply.

"alright we can catch it and send a picture to mommy monkey" I showed her how to cast and just sat back to watch her, I couldnt believe she was growing so fast it kind of made me sad because one day she wont wanna go fishing with her old dad. I was so proud to have everything I wanted, I have my beautiful wife that I just loved with all my heart and we made such a beautiful little girl and now we were thinking about having another one. I wouldnt have dreamed I would be here today if i hadnt met Nova I probably wouldnt be.

"Daddy! I got it stuck!" She whines and I stood up from my chair and walked over and got it unstuck showing her how to do it so when it happened again she would be able to do it herself, these are the moments I will always keep close to my heart. I sat back down and took a picture of my girl and tweeted it with the caption Daddy daughter fishing day couldnt be more proud of this little girl. I watched as Brett jumped up and down and yelled she got one she got one and I chuckle again and walk over. 

"alright Brett let me show you how to take it off the hook so we can put it back in the water" But first I take a picture sending it to Nova and a few other people, I look at her and smile as she gives me that goofy smile of hers. "you see its fins they are sharp so you smooth them back and hold it there as you take the hook out" I take the hook out and wink at her "you wanna kiss it for good luck?"

"eww no thats gross" Brett giggles and sways back and forth as she lightly pokes it and laughs "its slimy" she wrinkled her nose up and helped me put it back in the water. 

After sometime fishing we sat on our chairs as she drank her water, I look at her and smile some and Brett looks at me with a weird look.

"what are you smiling at Daddy?" she questioned me and I simply shake my head some.

"smiling about how big your getting baby girl and how much I love you" I raised a eyebrow as she climbed into my lap and put her small hands on my cheeks and stared me down, she had her mother's eyes and some of her attitude too.

"I'm a growing girl but I will always be your little girl Daddy and I love you to the moon and back" she grins brightly and I chuckle some.

"To the moon and back huh?" I smile some as she nods some.

"yup yup" and she hugs me, I close my eyes holding her close. I wouldnt trade my life for anything, and I wouldnt want these moments to go to waste as I held her close I was finally happy with my little family and my life with them...

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