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I watched as my newly wed wife walked towards the table as it was time to toast us, I pull her close and kissed her god I loved her and my little baby girl.

"Well I uh remember the days I met Nova and Roman, Nova now she is something else something that comes once in a life time and uh roman my brother don't let her go." Dean raises his glass a little "roman you my brother we have stand together through a lot of things and I uh think finally you got your self a nice person to spend your life with" everyone claps as dean went and sat by Paige, I watched Seth stand up and I look down why in the hell would he want to toast us.

"Roman, Nova I wanted to wish you guys the best and uh Nova I got someone here waiting to talk to you she couldn't be here today but she told me to give you this if she didn't make it to your wedding day" Seth lets a back drop fall and a few seconds later I believe to be Novas mom because they looked so much alike.

"Nova darling I'm sorry that you are watching this and that means I am not there to wish my little fighter congrats on her wedding day" Brett pauses a little a smile on her face "but I wanted to make this video just in case I wasn't there, by now I hope well I know you are in WWE and you met that perfect guy that will love you forever and if he doesn't I will come down from up here and kick his ass" she laughs and I take nova hand as she starts to cry.

(Nova view)

I watched the screen as my mother talks, it heart sickened me that she couldn't be here.

"And I know your crying now and you better stop it because you should be happy, don't you dare be sad on such a happy day little girl" my mother leans forward "don't forget Seth about that present I was suppose to give to nova I want her to have it I love you nova bug and I always will, I'm looking down at you right now smiling and I proud of you angel" the screen goes black and I couldn't stop the tears, roman holds my hand and I lean onto his shoulder as Seth comes with a black box.

"Here uh your mom gave it to me to give to you you know just in case she didn't make it" I take it from him, I help it close and opened the black box and a gold chain with a locket attached to it inside the locket was a picture of her and I sitting on a rocking chair and I let roman put it around my neck.

"I miss her so much" I whisper and he holds me against his chest then he stands up walking to the front.

"I guess I should say something, nova baby girl you are my everything. Since the moment we met well we locked eyes I wanted to know you, you are always full of surprises and I can't wait to get to all of them. Our relationship is stronger then anyone's, you are what keeps me sane. Then you, you brought our lovely daughter Brett to this world and I am glad each time I look at both you. I'm all yours, there isn't enough time in the world so lets start with forever" he raises his glass and everyone claps, I smile softly wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Baby sister you know that we will always love you, no matter what happens we are glad for roman and you and to let you know we will be taking Brett so you two can be alone tonight no buts about it so yea" Harper smirks as he goes after roman, I laugh a little.

"I have no say in my own daughter?" I raise a eyebrow at him.

"Haha no not really so go with it" Harper walks back to his table, roman sits back down with me and looks at me leaning over to whisper.

"I got plans for us baby girl" it makes me shiver slightly, I look at him.

"P-plans?" I ask softly, he stands up and takes my hand and he waves as people wave and clap as he kisses Brett and lets me say bye.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he walks towards his car, I get in.

"We are going to go to somewhere special" he gets in and drives, I look around and wonder what he is up to.

Ruthless NovaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant