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I lay flat on my back my vest rising and falling with my vest as all the fans in the crowd cheered and awed and shouted get up, I rolled onto my chest and slowly pushed myself up my title on the line. I look at Bray and swayed back and forth a little as I did make it to my feet, my hair in front of my eyes when Bray was about to hit me with sister Abigail but I looked soon enough and Seth stood above Bray and looked at me. 

"come on Rome this has to be ended by you are you going to let him beat you? let him talk about your wife like that?" The man I use to hate smacks my shoulder, he was right I couldn't let this happen. I let out a howl or justice and soon as Bray stood up I ended him with a super man punch to the face and he was down and the ref counted him out as I pinned him. I staggered up and Seth supports me putting my arm around his neck like good old times, but soon everything turned black and I turn seeing my Brett standing under a light nothing around us, she looked like Nova her black hair long all grown up.

"Brett?" I whisper and start to walk towards her but it seemed like I couldn't get to her as she just waves at me, she was in a black dress her hair curled but something on her face shown she was in pain.

"Dad you need to wake up you need to wake up!" I jolted awake as pain shot through my abdomen and I look around as Nova jumps up I clench the sheets and groaned.

"Nova call 911" I took a shaky breath and rolled onto my back, I try to stand but the pain was bad. 

"Don't move Roman!" I heard Nova on the phone with a dispatcher I roll onto my side.

"Shit it hurts" I mumble and try to get up this time able to at least sit up and I look at Nova and look down my stomach lurches and I reach for the garbage can and throwing up it burnt my throat and I heard the sirens.

"Rome your burning up" Nova puts a hand on my head and I lean into her touch as sweat rolls down my face and my eyes roll into the back of my head and I fall backwards onto the bed all I heard was Nova yell my name and my lights where out.

"He was poisoned your lucky you came in when you did or he wouldn't have made it to see tomorrow Mrs. Reigns" I look at Roman laying on the white blankets listening to the doctor and I look at him.

"I-is he going to be alright?" I ask and the doctor took his glasses off..

"We won't know until he pulls out of this sleep he is in, he should wake up any time now" I nod some and stay beside my husband, I couldn't lose him I just couldn't! I take his hand in mine and bow my head as tears slip down my cheeks I felt a finger wipe them away.

"Don't cry baby girl I'm fine" I heard Roman's deep voice and look up and sniffled some.

"I could have lost you what if you didn't make it we would have lost you and then what would have I done?" I kissed his knuckles and he chuckles some.

"I'm strong when have you ever seen me give up that easy?" I look at him tears in my eyes and I look down as he reached up wiping the tears away. What if I did lose him? I couldn't even bare the idea.

"Who would have poisoned you?" I whisper and shake my head some as he pulls me down beside him.

"I don't know but they failed at doing it so it doesn't matter I am still alive and that is what counts is it not?" Roman raised a eyebrow and I look up at him and gave a small smile, he was right at least he was alive. I still wondered who would hurt my husband and why? What did he do to piss someone off that bad they wanted to end his life?

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