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"Alright so don't forget she is to be laid down before 10 but not before 9 or she will not sleep all night, she also likes to listen to music while falling asleep. Play track two and she should fall asleep. " I paced the bus as John watched me, I get things ready.

"Don't worry nova I got it just go I will call if I have a problem" John pushes me out the door, I go to say something else but the door shuts so I just sigh. I walk towards the locker rooms, my heart pound I haven't been here in almost a year and I felt like I was new all over again.

"Damn Nova you looking good ready to kick some ass?" jimmy grins, I look at him.

"What I didn't look good before?" I raise me eyebrow, he starts to get nervous, he was one of Roman's cousins I had to mess with him.

"No, no um yes I mean..," I laugh a little as he stumbles over words, I pat his cheek, he just needed to chill out.

"I know what you mean Jimmy and yes I am ready to kick some ass" I walk nervous tonight was the night that Shane and Render put their plan in action, I pass Seth and take a good look at him and smirked because he has no clue what is about to happen here tonight.

"Ready for Seth and Hunter to come out!" they are called out and I go towards the door where Paige is waiting, my nerves shake.

"Are you ready for this?" She whispered, I shake my head no.

"No but it has to be done if we want a better future here" I pull my hood up as she does, the doors open but they aren't the normal doors and we walk out unseen like planned we couldn't mess this up.

"Seth!" I yelled into a microphone and ducked down and crawled my way to another area as Paige did the same thing it was to mess with him and buy some time.

"Oh Seth! clueless Seth!" I stand up as he turns "over here Seth!" I waved my arms and smirked pulling my hood down, Paige on the other side of the ring in the crowd.

"What is it Nova?" He hisses into a microphone, I walk towards the wall and jump over and stand by Paige this wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

"You know I have been holding in this anger for months, it's like a hungry lioness ready to strike" I smirk and slide into the ring, the crowd is cheering with excitement at the sight of me being back.

"Well we welcome you back but what are you doing here right now?" Seth steps beside Hunter I could tell he was nervous.

"State your business your games are not funny" hunter says trying to keep calm, I laugh a little.

"Well you see Hunter, Im here to destroy the authority" I smirk as the screen lights up and Shane has Stephanie tied up in a chair.

"You get away from her!" Hunter growls Shane only laughs a little, I move around the ring as Seth looks for a place to escape and it wasn't going to happen.

"Don't think about it, your surrounded" I look at him, he snorts and I think he thought we were alone.

"There is two of you and your girls so I think I can win" Seth rolls his shoulders, I only shake me head I had remembered the bitter sting of his smack the night I had told my father I wouldn't change.

"You go up the ramp my husband is going to tackle you" I smirk slightly, Paige steps forward to speak.

"Dean is ready to strike on the left hand side he is dying for you to give him a reason to" she says innocently into the microphone.

"And I am ready behind you screw ball" I recognize that voice, it was render and something about him still gave me the chills.

"Who said that!" hunter yells out turning on his feet as roman drags randy out and kicks him down the gorilla and growls lowly, his black hair drips water.

"The revolution is here" Render jumps the wall holding his arms out, the crowd confused but cheers us on. "You sir have abused your powers and I along with the chosen have came to strip you down and end the reign of horrible authority that is standing here in front of I" render bows and slides into the ring, he swings a arm around my neck and Paige's. I snap my gum Seth goes for it, I drop down and lunge putting him into the hunting lioness and stood up and yelled raising my arms.

"What a great way to come back for Fearless Nova, she has really made her point!" the announce spoke out, I walk around the ring picking my microphone again.

"This is our ring! and anyone who doesn't like that can go to hell!" I yell, roman has Hunter down on the ground as he stands letting out a howl of justice. He swings his arm around me and walks with me.

"Time to get what is ours baby girl" he mumbles and stands by Render and I look around could this all be ours?

"We stand here before the WWE network and say the authority has fallen!" He speaks with boldness, and we all raise out arms and the crowd eats it up.

"I am Render the revolution leader and we stand here today to give the WWE world the right authority, the fair authority" render starts his speech. "Shane bring Stephanie out so we may end this the right way!" He yells, seconds later Shane is pulling her out down the ramp and into the ring.

"Listen sis there is nothing against you but the way you have been running this place with your jackass of a husband has made me sick so your just going to sign it over or I just might let Nova here along with Paige do some very bad things to you" Shane stands holding his arms out as he talks into a headset.

"Why would I sign it over!? you spoiled little brat!" Steph yells loudly, he grits his teeth.

"Girls" he says one word and I crack my fingers and crouch down getting ready.

"Wait wait! alright fine you win Shane!" She takes a pen and sign it over and Shane hands it to render. Something about this guy was off, he was grinning wide like a greedy person with gold.

I slip from the ring and walk up the ramp. Nikki slams into me I stumble back and look at her through narrowed eyes.

"What the hell is all this?! you come back and all the sudden you guys take over?! you can't beat the Authority!" she yells as she goes to lunge again I grab her hair and shove her against the wall, I growl lowly.

"If you were smart you would follow us, don't give me that shit saying you don't hate them because I know you do you just can't say it because your afraid Seth wouldn't fuck you anymore" I hiss and step away as she drops to her knees. "Also if you were smart you would break it off with Seth he is just going to hurt you" I start to walk away, I shake my head. I made my way towards my dressing room when I run into Seth blood drips from his nose and a slight pain hits him, this man use to be my best friend.

"What are you looking at?" He spat and stumbled as he sat down, I walk closer taking a rag.

"You brought this on yourself Seth, you really did" I start wiping away the blood away, he shoves my hand away but I continue this man is well was my best friend he had taken care of me and someone I use to trust.

"I don't need your help" he coughed, I frown slightly he was still that same asshole.

"Stop it, ok just stop it Seth listen to me!" I kind of yell as he struggles against my help, he stops and looks at me.

"Why should I listen?" he growls at me, I grit my teeth he was really pushing my buttons.

"Because if you don't I'm I'm going to do something so painful to you that you will never have kids" I drop the rag, he looks down as to agree to listen. "It's not to late.... not to late to give up the authority and go back to the shield but I'm not saying it is going to be the same as it use to be" I mumble, he looks at me like I am crazy.

"It is to late nova, dean will tear me apart and so will Rome..." He spits and stands up, I look up at him.

"Don't ever think it is to late, come talk to him at least talk to Roman Seth please" I beg him, he looks down at me.

"I will think about it" he walks away from me leaving me standing there, I walk inside my room with maybe a small victory.

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