First steps

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I sat in the tour bus, roman was bouncing Brett on his knee lightly holding her just incase.

"Ro?" I asked.

"Hm yea baby girl?" He looked up from Brett and at me, I sat up straight.

"She should be on her way to walking here soon huh?" I smile some, he nods.

"Yea I can't wait" roman chuckles softly, I stand up.

"Stand up and try with her I mean she can pull herself up now and stand on her own against something" he stands up and placed Brett feet on the ground, her small hands hold onto his pointer fingers. Roman takes a step forward and then she steps a small step then another with her right foot. I take a video and smile, I wipe a tear away and as roman picks her up I hug them both.

"She's growing so fast" he whispers and puts a arm around my waist, I nod some and kiss Brett cheek softly. We were not suppose to be fighting tonight, and let me just say it felt good.

"Roman! Nova! open up please we need you two tonight!" I heard Cena knocking, I hand Brett to John and walk out.

"What is it?" I look at him "you ruined a moment John" I poke him in the chest and cross my arms.

"It's Seth and the others they are holding the ring up he said he wanted to talk to you" he rubs his chest I look at him.

"Then you are staying here to make sure no one gets our little girl" roman cuts in pulling the door shut, he took my hand and I walk with him.

"What could he want Roman?"I asked as I walked fast into the building.

"I don't know but I sure in the hell am not letting you go alone down there" I stop and look at him, I put a hand on his chest.

"I will be fine" I kissed him softly and he pulls me closer deepening it, he pulls away.

"I don't want you hurt" he whispers, I put a hand on his cheek.

"I am going to be fine, just make sure your ready if I need you hon" I hug him as my music comes on, I walk out holding a microphone. Seth stands with Big Show, undertaker, and Nikki.

"What do you have to talk about seth?" I walk down the ramp "your making me miss my time alone with my daughter" I growl lowly.

"I-we have come to say something please come into the ring we will not hurt you" he talked, I snort.

"Where have I heard that before" I climb onto the skirt "this is as far as I am going Rollins" I look at the other three, undertaker has always scared the shit out of me.

"Alright alright, nova.." He looked at me "I have thought about what you said that night you guys took over and I have to say I have came to a conclusion" I step closer inside the ring as he says this.

"And?" I cross my arms as he hangs his head.

"I was wrong for my actions, nova I hurt you and you were my best friend..." He walks towards me slowly "if you could ever forgive me, I'm willing to do anything" he got on his knees, I put a hand on his shoulder and bend down.

"Friends don't hurt other friends Seth.... but beat friends forgive their best friend" I hug him, I know it sounds stupid "I swear if you are up to something I will end you" I whisper in his ear.

"I promise I won't, I miss the old days" he stands pulling me up with him.

"You have to apologize to some others to..." I step back "roman and Dean will you please come out here" I step back a little as roman and dean make their way down, Paige beside dean.

(Roman view)

He what?! he apologized? I walk out, my eyes trained on my baby girl.

"You stab us in the back and hurt nova then you crawl back" I slide into the ring and stand by nova, she places a hand on my chest. I look at her, her eyes hold something.

"Dean, roman I'm sorry for what I have done I know it is hard for you to deal with and I know it won't be the same" Seth steps closer to us, I glare at him my jaw tightens as he holds his hand out. I look at nova nod she nods, I but my fist out and look at dean.

"What the hell?! ro how can we trust him?" he starts flipping out.

"Because if he does betray us again he will never see daylight again" nova speaks up and glares slightly, dean glares but puts his fist in like old times hopefully we were not making a mistake.

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