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(Y/n) pov

I woke up the next morning early only to think the events that happened yesterday was only a dream, but as my legs led me to the bathroom and saw the ring on my finger "(Y/n) HURRY UP IM GONNA BE LATE TO MY CHEM CLASS!!" I rolled my eyes and got out of the bathroom with a face mask on and my toothbrush in my mouth. "Thanks, boo, I'll give it back to you" I rolled my eyes at (RM #1 name) but walked to my desk to see if any of my professors emailed me as many of them tended to do for some odd reason that I will never understand.

Surprisingly nothing "BYE GUYS!!" The bathroom was finally free for me to go back intake off the face mask and rinse out, as well as floss my teeth. I put on a cute white pleated skirt and topped it off with a crew neck that said Tooru name and his number "where are you going like that haha" ( RM #2 name) said causing me to blushed as I slipped on my black high top converse "Tooru has a game this morning and I don't have classes intill this afternoon so I'm going to support my finance" I say as I lastly grabbed my bag and headed out.

I got in a taxi and asked if they could take me to the destination "thank you" I bowed and closed the door, sadly I forgot an umbrella so I had to sprint inside the building. I walked around until I saw the room where his coach told me I could go into "How are you guys? ARE YOU PUMPED!!" I say knowing that half of the boys were on the team already "Babe?" Oikawa sat there confused because I told him I couldn't come today. "It's Mrs.Manager on the stadium to you Oikawa Tooru," I say as everyone looked at him and ooohhh-ed "Hey guys how are you, seems as we have some crows. haha, who knew Hinata, Kageyama, and Oikawa would be on the same side" I laugh as I get a hug from Hinata. He was suddenly detached from me and I laugh to see my tall finance with a pissed-off expression "Mine" he angrily said and dragged me to his stop in the changing room.

-- A few moments later --

"You got this guy to remember where you came from, okay? I'll be cheering you on from the stans" I walked off and felt a tight feeling in my chest. "I guess I do miss being manager after all" I mumbled to myself and walked to my seat which was glad about the full view of the court. I held to my sleeves that covered my hands as both teams started to walk to both of their sides of the court... Japan vs South Korea you thought to yourself knowing you will cheer for japan but felt wrong for not cheering for your other home.

Both teams bowed and it started "Oikawa starts off the ball as if he knows what he is doing" I could see the tension in his eyes "YOU CAN DO IT OIKAWA!!" I yelled as he threw the ball up in the air for a jump serve. Nicely it went in like the first practice game with kurasuno went down "you did it you idiot" I said as I now remembered how stressful these things are.

It felt like it didn't take much intill Korea asked for a time out and the sports spokesperson started on their small conversation.

"So much has happened within the last thirty minutes I mean come on! Japan has the upper hand with Oikawa former Captain and starter setter of Aoba Johsai's"

"Your right, but South Korea has been stopping a lot of Japans spikes and that's hard to do if your team is not used to it"

"Okay but so far Japan is in the lead by what seems two points, and not only that but Hinata Shoyo and Kageyama hasn't been put in yet so those to could turn the tables"

You started to get happy and pissed at all the comments you know both teams could hear, and yet one comment that made me sit down and keep my mouth shut. "but did you see that girl in the japan crew neck she sure loves Oikawa", "wait don't tell me you don't know who she is?" They both looked at each other one surprised and the other confused "That's (L/n), (Y/n)!! one of Japan's girl's setters that's known around the world and is also a force to be recon with I mean she once won a game just from setting the ball, not only that but she is Oikawa Tooru's fiance" I sat there feeling a bit hot.

-- End of the game --

Japan won and you were able to go back and attend your first class of the day.

Oikawa x Reader 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now