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(Y/n) pov

I woke up early to a text from Oikawa, mom and dad "hehe today is the day" I stretch and got into the shower since I woke up early. I was the only one in our dorm who was graduating the other two still had a few years to go. I turn on some soft music low enough so (RM # 1 and RM # 2 names) don't wake up. The warm water trickled down my whole body making me feel not so tense "mmm" I say letting out a little sigh of relief " finally all my hard work has paid off" I thought to myself as I scrubbed my body with a sugar scrub.

Getting out of the shower I suddenly get a FaceTime call from Yachi and Kiyoko. I put on my headphones and answer the call "Konichiwa" I waved as I placed them on a phone stand on my desk. "Are you excited?!" Yachi sounded so lively "yeah I'm sad you guys can come, but that's okay I'll be back in Japan in a few days. Even tho Kiyoko didn't show it she was happy and so was I. We spent time talking and for me getting ready slowly but surely I read the clock and it says 9:30. I slipped into a Jean skirt with a t-shirt as well as some white tennis shoes. "Okay guys I'm going to go get breakfast I'll call you later bye". The call ended and I made my way through campus while listening to (Fav/song).

Time skip brought to you by Milk bread

I came back and started to put on a nice dress, heels, as well as my beautiful cap and gound. As I did I got a call from Mom and Dad "we're here honey I can't wait to see you". I walked down to the auditorium and as everyone else started to flow in like a beautiful river I caught myself trying to look for not only my parents but for Oikawa "where are you?" I thought to myself still trying to find Oikawa but I couldn't. He did say he was going to be there, but I couldn't blame him if he didn't make it because he did have an important. The ceremony and still no sign of him "it's okay, he's always there so next time I'll be there for him".

Finally, it was my turn "Now for our top student with a Major of Business and a Minor of education Miss (L/n), (Y/n)" I walked up with my heart feeling like it's going to spill out of my chest. "Thank you," I said as I bowed and shook my professor's hands. Time went on and now I was a college Graduate I went with my parents and took a picture which seemed like a dream since they were both in the same vicinity. As we started to walk out of campus and get my bags I get a call from Oikawa I pick it up quicker the I could spell his name "hey honey guess who-". I wasn't allowed to finish my sentence when suddenly I heard Kageyama's voice "hey (Y/n)".

"Hey Kageyama why are you calling me on Oikawa's phone?" I ask while I heard him sigh a little "it's about Oikawa we were playing against the USA and well he went in to save a ball and as he dove he rammed into the metal bar of the poll and well he's unconscious". The word unconscious kept repeating all through my head thundering like loud headaches. "(Y/n)?" I ended the call and ran to my parent's car "mom dad could one of you try and book me a flight to Japan.." we got in the car and I stepped on the gas.......

Oikawa x Reader 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now