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Oikawa's pov

I heard the clinking of keys and slippers being dragged on the wooden floor "(Y/n)" I yell out from the office "I'm home!" her feet dragging on the wood became louder with the closer she got. She placed a kiss on the top of my head and I grabbed onto her only to place her on my lap "where were you?" I asked although by the looks of it she went to go work out. "I visited Aoba Joshi and played some volleyball" when she said that I then spotted the redness on her knees from most likely diving. "What happened to your knee pads?" I asked as I slowly rubbed her back as she is now attached to me like a Kohala. "I forgot them in Korea," she said sounding like she could fall asleep. Before I said anything she got a notification on her phone so she picked it up and smiled "what is it?" I asked filled with curiosity "we are getting married in two more months" I smiled at her cupped her cheeks only to plant a kiss on her soft flushed red lips.

The days seemed to pass and we started to get everything done for the wedding including getting the last touch-ups on her dress. The days were stressful but we know that in the end, it would be worth it. Suddenly I had to go back to practicing and during those days (y/n) went back to Korea to get the rest of her things "when will you be back I have a surprise" I asked out of breath from practice "I'll be back late today I told you this Tooru" I puffed out my cheeks and looked at her "can you stop being formal and call me by my last name" she shook her head "sometimes I haven't to, to get my point across". I put my hand up as an indication that I surrendered "mm see you tonight" after practice I took a look one last time at my empty apartment "hey Shittykawa did you tell (y/n) you were going to buy the house she had an eye on?" I shook my head "must you call me by that name, and no it's supposed to be a surprise Iwa" I said closing the door and handing them over to the front office.

— Later That Night —

I drove to the airport after I was done taking a shower and somewhat started putting away my stuff. "Honey!" I yell as she couldn't seem to find me, but that didn't seem to work either as I started to walk towards her I saw a guy trying to help but suddenly his hand slipped to her waist and I started to feel my blood boil. "Honey, oh may I help you?" I asked as smacked his hand away and (y/n) stood beside me knowing her she was about to be him up but I didn't want her to "don't ruin your hand (y/n). Plus you'd be saving him from getting embarrassed" I said with a devilish smile "who the hell are you to say this tiny girl can beat me up" the guy objected. "I'm her husband and I warned you" suddenly (y/n) was beyond pissed grabbed him by the ear and whispered loud enough for me to hear "listen here you sorry excuse of a man don't touch women who you don't know and may I warn you that this woman can knock you out senseless" she let go of his ear and walked away "let's go home" I gave her a piggyback ride to the car as we pretended as nothing happened.

Oikawa x Reader 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now