Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

HALLOWEEN WAS ONLY FOUR DAYS away, which meant Eva was totally freaking out.

"I want to wear something sort of sexy but not overused." She explained on practically every single lunch break, "But not lame or stupid either."

Apparently this discarded absolutely every costume idea in existence.

I knew I'd probably end up wearing a pair of cat ears and some black clothes, I never really gave costumes too much though. I was also most likely going to a party and leaving before midnight out of boredom, or else I'd stay home giving candy to the children. Halloween wasn't really my type of Holiday, at least not after I crossed the line and had to leave trick or treating behind.

"Just look for some diy videos on YouTube." Ivy suggested with a shrug.

"Don't you think I've done that already?" They all suggest the same old stuff or ridiculous ideas like Ariana Grande or a pineapple." She scoffed. "I'll die before putting a bunch of paper leaves on my head and wearing yellow clothes."

She sighed as if it were a catastrophe.

She always reacted like this and ended up wearing common stuff like Minnie Mouse or an FBI agent.

She sighed in frustration and shook her head, driving the topic elsewhere to distract herself from her stress.

"Well, what are you guys dressing up like?"

"I haven't given it any thought yet." Grace answered.

"Same." I commented.

"I'll probably dress up as some Marvel or D.C. superhero or something." Ivy said with a shrug.

"That's it! I'll be Harley Quinn!" Eva exclaimed with enthusiasm.

We all stared at her blankly.

"Too cliché, isn't it?"


"Anyway, my mom was very pissed at me for telling her I didn't want to go, so she told me -more like shouted- that I had to, my father agreed and I retorted because, really, who would want to spend their Friday night at a family reunion? Specially on Halloween, no one. Then, as if-"



"I hate phone calls." I grumbled.

"I told you, my aunt doesn't know the WiFi password, or so she says. I'm sure she doesn't want to give it to me. I'm all out of data, so I'm only left with phone calls."

"Who calls these days?"

"Me. When I have to." He said. "Either way, where was I?"

"You retorted." I answered with an annoyed sigh.

"Oh, yes. So, my sisters were there with their stupid smug faces just staring at us while we fought and Melanie, like the smart ass little bitch she is started 'trying to cool things off' by saying that I should just come, that I was an idiot, that we would be better off saving ourselves these dumb fights and that-"

"Don't you think she might have been right?" I asked, "You were going either way."

I passed my cellphone to my other ear and stared at my legs while doing so. My head and torso were resting on the bed while my legs hovered over the white bedroom walls. I was mid painting my toenail when David called, leaving my activity behind and being forced to listen to his ranting.

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