Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

MY HEAD WAS LAYING on top of David's chest. It was the same Monday afternoon and we'd decided to make plans afterwards, which made me utterly excited. David's mom was at work and his sister's were in their rooms, so we laid on David's bed in comfortable silence.

It was sunset. We'd gone to grab lunch and had gone for some froyo as well, causing him to joke again about my sickly sweet choice like the time after we ice skated.

We'd kissed a few times today, which made me wonder what we were and brought me more frustration; I was still thinking of what choice to make. The little conversation I had had with Connor at the library that same afternoon had really helped to decide, however, I hadn't done anything because I wanted to be entirely sure.

As if on cue to get rid of so much overthinking, David put his fingers under my chin to make me look up at him and planted a kiss on my lips. We remained like that for a few seconds, my heart beat raising and my insides going irrevocably crazy. We eventually pulled away and I hugged him tighter, real life unfortunately making it's way to my mind once again.



"...What are we doing?" I asked suddenly, taking David by surprise.

I could feel his breathing hitching for an instant and I automatically regretted asking such a question.

David didn't know how to answer, so I changed the question a little.

"What are we? What is this?"

David remained silent for a second, not knowing what the correct answer would be. The thing was, though, that there was no correct answer.

"I... don't know." He answered unsure.

I released him and laid sideways to be able to look at his face, supporting my head on my hand.

He looked at me then, "But I like it."

I smiled and looked down. David changed positions to look towards me entirely. He put his hand on my cheek and cupped it. I looked up at him and our eyes met, the look he was giving me made my insides twirl in excitement.

"I like you... I like us."

And with that, I died.

Apparently there was a correct answer.

David leaned in and kissed me again. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it, pulling away and having done my decision.

"But we -us- can't happen." I suddenly said, hating myself after throwing it on the table.

His eyes lost all happiness that remained within them. Confusion and disappointment clouded his look and I decided to explain myself further to save him some pain. The hold of his hand against my cheek softened and he eventually let go of it.

"I mean," I started "I really like this too... but it can't happen."

"Why not?"

I sighed and looked away.

"For starters, there's Laura." I stated.

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