Chapter 13

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Caroline is drunk in this chapter, as you can well guess from last one. She will be narrating everything as if she wasn't, but when she speaks and acts you will see she is indeed drunk. The thing is that it would be confusing and weird if I just wrote everything drunkenly because for starers it would be a lot of nonsense and, also, I don't remember my thoughts the times I've gotten drunk because, well, I was drunk. So, basically, just read her dialogues and think of it as drunken mumbling.



Chapter 13


Even the booze caused by alcohol didn't kill the guilt of kissing a guy I barely knew. Who also happened to be a total asshole. I felt bad. Filthy, even. I would have never done that on my right mind.

I sat back down on my chair and covered my face with my hands and sighed. Connor was back with his group of friends, probably talking about it smugly, speaking of how easy I was to woo. I pulled at my skin as I removed my hands from my face. I looked sideways to catch Grace's stare.

As if guilt wasn't consuming enough, Grace's stare only made it worse. In other circumstances, I would've laughed so hard I'd end up in the floor after seeing her expression. The look she gave me mirrored that of a dear in the headlights, eyes wide and mouth ajar. She was in shock, unable to process what had just happened, it was almost comical.


I ignored her stare and tried to even ignore my own thoughts, ignore my own judgements.

The worst part was that I had liked it.

As much as he was a conceited prick I couldn't deny the fact that he was a great kisser. I hadn't kissed a lot of people in my life, just a couple, mostly in truth or dares and whatnot, but I instantly knew he was not bad at all. What made me despise it, however, was the fact that it was him.

I didn't mean it as in hatred because, as much as I he wasn't my favorite person on the planet, he had seemed somewhat likable on the short period of time we'd talked. It was more in a way of wanting it to be someone more special.

I stared off into the crowd of people to catch David's stare on me, he'd definitely seen the whole thing, the kissing had gone a long while if you asked me. Laura wasn't with him anymore, but I hadn't seen where she'd gone. I couldn't decipher his stare, it was puzzling. It was detached but somehow resentful too. I hid under my hands again but stood up afterwards, refusing to drown in guilt for the rest of the evening.

I walked towards the kitchen and approached a girl who was offering shots, she was in one of my classes, so she gave me one without hesitation.

I took the small glass between my fingers and engulfed the bitter liquid.

I took one.




"Well, at least we now know what kind of drunk you are." Eva said with a shrug.

"And what kind of drunk would that be?" I asked, wondering.

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