Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

IT WAS A MYSTERY how I'd ended up wrapped up between David's arms as we watched movies in my living room. But it wasn't a mystery I didn't enjoy.

At first it'd literally started with each one of us at each end of the couch. But how we ended up in such positions had caught me by surprise.

Evidently, David had come by to fix things. But few words were needed to show how much we had missed each other.

As soon as I'd arrived and I'd hugged David, he just proceeded to say how sorry he was about everything and all I did was shush him and tell him to come inside. He was about to start ranting and explaining everything but I just stopped him once more. I didn't need to hear his explanations. I knew we'd both made mistakes and regretted ever having done such. But the last thing I wanted in that moment was to talk.

I'd gone to my house feeling like throwing a pity party on my own. But, apparently, someone came by without invite.

But I was glad he did.

He eventually let it go against his will. He had no idea why I'd been crying, he probably thought it was because of us. It somehow was, but not precisely. We would eventually have to discuss everything that had been happening, but I was more than eager to pospone it. At the very least I deserved a quiet, peaceful evening in the arms of someone I cared about after everything that had been happening.

We were watching The Theory of Everything. Yes, I know, the whole scenario was really cheesy. But I'd tricked him into watching it. The Netflix description didn't really give the hint that it's mostly romantic, so when he was insisting we watched something non-Disney (specially not Ratatouille because apparently he despised mice, rats and all of their cousins) unlike my suggestions, I tricked him into watching it. He accepted, given it wasn't a children's movie and it seemed like an interesting one too.

And so we were near the end of the movie, I was crying and his sour face couldn't be more obvious.

"I thought you said it wasn't cheesy and romantic."

"Well, I mean... It's not." I retorted.

"It's not fair! You tricked me!"

"Oh, stop being such a child and just watch the movie." I said teasingly with a smile on my face.

He groaned and my smile grew wider.


"Okay, enough, let's do something." I declared suddenly.

After several minutes of laying on my bedroom in comfortable silence while each of us roamed our phones, I had finally grown tired. As much as that was pretty much my most common pastime, a point came where there just wasn't much to do.

"What do you want to do?" David replied, supporting himself on his elbows.

"I don't know, what do you wanna do today?" I joked.

"Did you just make a SpongeBob reference?" He asked with a raise of his eyebrows and a ghost of a smile.

"No..." I answered teasingly.

He let out a small chuckle and turned towards me after turning his phone off. He raised his eyebrows suggestively, expecting me to propose a different activity.

"Uhh, how about we play... never have I ever."

"Oh, come on, that game is pointless without alcohol."

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