Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

IT'S MOMENTS LIKE THESE that you say to yourself 'never again', but, in reality, you know you'll do it over and over. Because even though you know the actions are not worth the consequences, you still feel like they are whenever you find yourself in between them. And in the end, when the moment of paying the price comes around, you realize you were truly, truly wrong.

This moment was no different.

As soon as I received the paper sheet with the questions, I knew watching Netflix until midnight instead of studying for the test had been a terrible mistake. Specially taking into count that I was almost failing the subject it was for.

I shook my leg under the table, desperate to find the answers. Hoping that if I tried hard enough, I would remember what the teacher said in the class I never payed attention to. I looked around, trying to discretely look at someone else's test while nervously biting the tip of my black pen. I kept clutching the loose end of my shirt as I closed my eyes and tried to remember the day I was taught the topics that appeared on the test. Of course I didn't remember anything.

Nothing useful, anyway.

I considered taking my notebook out. But then I realized that a) That would be too obvious and b) I was pretty sure the only things I had written down on my notebook were the titles and not so accurate notes. I looked up at the ceiling, as if it would magically give me the answers or God would illuminate me somehow and I'd be suddenly intelligent.

The next solution that popped into my head was trying to confuse the teacher by writing a lot of stuff that, in the end, would be the repetition of the question itself in a more complicated way. That would give me some points right? I groaned in frustration because of my bad ideas and decided to simply read the questions carefully and try to make sense out of them.

I was lost.

I had absolutely no idea what they were asking me for. I was literally about to cry out of frustration. I wanted to stand up and rip that piece of paper into tiny little pieces. It was funny how a small piece of paper could actually be a catastrophe to me.

I buried my face in my hands and pulled my skin down while removing them.

I was screwed.

The teacher returned to his desk (that was placed right in front of mine, to my luck) after walking around the classroom to make sure none of us were cheating. A student from the back walked forward to reach the teacher's desk and ask a question. He held his sheet next to him carelessly, leaving all of the answers at plain sight. I looked at the sheet in awe and debated with myself wether I should copy from it or not. The little consciousness I had was trying to convince me not to do it because it wasn't right, but my selfish self obviously winning the short discussion.

I eagerly copied the answers on my work sheet, smiling to myself as I did so while changing the context a little bit so it wouldn't be too obvious.

Soon, the teacher called for the tests to be returned to him. Tables screeching against the white tiles seemed to distract me, but, after very fast writing, I was able to hand in the quiz on time.

I sighed in relief, hopeful that I might pass the grade (if the boy wasn't actually as lost as I was) and not lose the subject.

All left to do was wait.


"Coincidentally, your tests have the same answers in barely different words." The teacher stated, looking at us severely, trying to intimidate us.

I gulped. Not knowing if I should say something to defend the boy I copied from in that moment or if I should wait until he finished speaking.

The boy sat silent next to me with a careless expression. His sandy brown hair was messily put to the side and his dark brown eyes were disturbed by puffiness beneath them. He had a bad posture, his body slipping from the chair halfway, his head resting on the top of the back of it. His eyes were barely open and I could definitely see he didn't even care about what the teacher was telling us.

I, on the other hand, was the total opposite.

My right hand rested on my lap and was taking hold of my left elbow, extending my arm to my mouth to bite my nails out of nervousness. I was perfectly aware that my expression resembled that of a deer in front of the headlights.

"I'm sorry guys, but I'll have to give you detention for the next two weeks and you'll also have to design the monthly poster at the entrance of the school. Someone will explain better later." He sighed "I'll give you a chance to take the test again with different questions, but the maximum grade will be a C."

I straightened and cleared my throat, prepared to finally defend the innocent boy who was finding himself in a bad situation because of my stupidity and bad decisions.

"Uh, Mr. Evans, it really wasn't his fault." I objected "I-I saw his sheet with the answers and I know it was wrong to do it, it won't happen again. But really, he shouldn't be responsible for something I did without his consent."

He raised an eyebrow at me, then looking back at the boy to confirm my statement. The after mentioned wasn't half asleep anymore, he was straighter and his right hand was rubbing his eye, trying to scare away the tiredness. His delicate nose sported a light red and so did his cheeks.

"Is this true, David?" Mr. Evans finally asked him:

"No, actually. I gave her the answers." He stated not even bothering to look over at me.

I widened my eyes at him and opened my mouth to object once more. Confusion swept my mind as I frowned and tried to find an explanation to his lying. He was just getting in more trouble for something that I was responsible for and guilt started taking over my thoughts.

"No, he d-" I started after a second of mixed thoughts.

"Look, Caroline. It's nice that you want to protect your friends, but lying to get them out of trouble is not the way." He explained calmly shaking his head.

His voice was soft and seething, it worked on me almost like a lullaby, driving me to sleep almost always, which was why I was unable to pay attention to what he was saying in class most of the time. I spent half of his class asleep, and the other half on the verge of it.

I was about to deny once again what David had said. I couldn't let this stranger pay the price of my mistakes. I couldn't let him be punished when non of it was his fault.

"You're dismissed." The teacher finally said.

David rushed out of the empty classroom and I soon followed. I tried to reach him through the mostly vacant hallways. We had been called to Mr, Evans' classroom during lunch the day after I had cheated on the quiz. A couple of students roamed the hallways, but most of them were in the cafeteria. The mostly empty corridors made it easier for me to reach him.

"Wait-" I started, trying to match his pace.

He turned around and raised his eyebrows at me, finally stopping so I could be able to catch him.

"I'm so sorry for all of this, really."

"It's okay, I don't mind." He said dismissively.

"Why did you say you gave me the answers?"

With that he smirked, his eyes shining mischievously.

"You don't think I'm that dumb to wave my answers in front of your face without noticing, do you?"



Hey Guys! As you can see it's definitely a different story line. I used to be fixated on the thought of an ordinary meeting becoming an extraordinary relationship but I then realized I was making it too plain and boring.

This is a short chapter, the lengths of the chapter may vary a lot, but I hope to return to the length I used to adopt.

Anyway, I really hope you like it! Give me your opinions and don't forget to vote and comment!

Slay C

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