Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Everyone hid quickly, waiting for David to open the door.

It was David's birthday. A friend of his, Seth, had prepared a surprise party for him and had invited me, knowing David and I were pretty good friends. Unfortunately, though, he had invited Laura as well. It made sense, but it still bothered me. Even if my intention was to avoid hurting her too much, and that's why I wasn't together with David, I was still mad at her and couldn't help but get angry.

We all hid very quickly, trying to find the best spot available so that David wouldn't see us. We were at his friend's house, where David thought he'd just meet a few of his pals and play some Xbox or whatever he usually did with his friends.

Hushed whispers and muffled laughs echoed through the house, but they were quickly shut by others. Finally, the room was met by dead silence and the doorbell rang. A few more sounds coming from the people rang, but eventually silence returned and all that could be heard was the opening of the front door and then the voices of David and the Seth.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted as the lights went on.

David jumped from the scare and everyone laughed, which was followed by his blush rising and goofy smile.

People started nearing him, giving him a hug or a simple congratulation. I started walking towards him, waiting for my turn to come, eventually. As soon as he saw me, his face lit up in recognition and a beam climbed unto his face. However, before I could hug him, Laura made her way towards him and snaked her arms around him, saying happy birthday and kissing him on the cheek. She stared at me with a daring smile after doing so.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and feel annoyed. Anger levels started increasing rapidly, however, I breathed in and smirked.

Bitch, game on.

She grabbed his hand and gave him on last smile as she made her way through the crowd of people. I turned my gaze from her to David, realizing he was staring at me with fun remarkable in his eyes, noticing my evident jealousy; he was enjoying my reaction. I shook my head and smiled at him, eventually reaching him, throwing my hands around his neck and giving him a well deserved hug.

"I'll give you your present when you come to my house." I whispered into his ear.

"What is it?" He asked excitedly, lowering his hand to my waist and pulling me closer to him

"You'll see." I muttered with a mischievous smile.

He chuckled and stared back at me, tension growing between us, although it was not the awkward kind. I neared him again and pressed my lips against his cheek, giving him a lingering kiss and then letting go, flashing him a flirtatious smile and losing myself in the crowd.

I looked around and caught Laura's stare. The look on her face, and not to mention David's, let me know I'd succeeded.

One point for me...

I smiled to myself and made my way through the people.

Apparently the party was off to a good start...


The party was more of a gathering, if you asked me. There was music, but there really wasn't anyone dancing. It consisted mostly of people talking and making out here and there. It really wasn't heavy, it was pretty much okay.

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