Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

RUMOUR HAD IT THAT David made out with some girl named Kyla. And an Alyssa too. Not to mention Rebecca. He also tried to kiss Marina herself. And, of course, there was Laura.

That was, apparently, the third most talked about thing among juniors and sophomores that day. The first being how Lydia Styles found her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend in the bathroom, said best friend being a guy. And the second being how what's-her-name made out with Connor Parker.

"What's-her-name" being me, of course.

That last was the one that worried me the most. The good thing was, though, that I was being confused with some other brunettes at school. But even so, some people recognized me and I could hear their hushed comments and intense gossiping. I could see them pointing at me, trying to be discreet but inevitably failing. Whenever I felt harmed by it, I reminded myself that it was a matter of a few days for it to become old news.

Then, there was David's rumor. If finding out he kissed Laura broke my heart, this bomb I was thrown this morning should have definitely destroyed the rests. Should have being the keywords here, because it should have but it didn't. If it had done anything at all that would have to be making me feel better.

It was strange, but knowing that he'd kissed more girls other than Laura made it seem as if she wasn't some sort of exclusivity. It might mean she had only been a one night thing, or that it wasn't as serious as it could've. I had been afraid of losing him.

I knew I was the worst friend ever to exist, but I couldn't bring myself to do anything about it. I tried to make myself feel better by thinking of the times Laura had done similar things to me and the rest of us, like that time I told her I liked a boy in my English class and they'd become besties overnight. And the next month they were already a couple. Or that time she did the same to Grace, who didn't really take it well. But those weren't excuses, those had been silly crushes, guys we only liked because they offered you a pencil when you didn't have one back in fourth grade or so. This was totally different, this wasn't just a silly crush.

But the hurt these news would cause to Laura would be inimaginable. Was that why she'd left that day on the verge of tears? Had she seen him kissing some other girl? Alyssa? Kyla? Rebecca? She'd felt special, she'd felt as if they were finally moving forward and then it turned out that it wasn't what she'd thought.

I, on the other hand, had been afraid that he would abandon me and begin a relationship while I struggled to bend my broken heart. When I heard about Laura I could practically feel the ending near. And that's what hurt, that's what weakened me.

But now that this bomb had been thrown this morning, their ship had suffered the most casualties, it would need time to reconstruct and mine would have the chance to prepare for further damage, to protect myself. To protect my heart. I would have to distance myself from David, for the sake of all of us.

I was the part of the equation that wasn't letting the solution come through. If I wasn't there they would probably be so much closer to the inevitable end.

But they wouldn't have met.

Well, maybe the problem was getting too attached to him. Hadn't I heard the same story of how a couple met over and over? A friend introduced us. What about that friend? Nobody cared about that friend because all that friend would do was introduce them. I was, on the other hand, stirring in so much more trouble than I should by just breathing on their necks.

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