Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"YOUR FRIENDS BROUGHT YOU HERE." Fourteen-year-old Melanie was explaining, "My mom's out of town so when they called me from David's phone I told them they could bring you two here."

"What about your dad? Is he here?"

"They're divorced." She said, "Dad lives in Chicago."

I nodded. David had never said anything about his parents, really. I only knew things about his sisters and a couple of anecdotes he'd told me.

"And you're on your own?" I asked.

"An aunt comes by once or twice a day to check on us. Either way David's almost seventeen, his birthday's this month."

"I know." David's birthday was exactly 22 days away, "Hey, did my friends mention anything about my cellphone?"

"Oh! Yeah, I almost forgot." She handed me my cellphone and I smiled at her and thanked her.

She gave me a sympathetic smile and turned back to making her siblings and me breakfast. Melanie was a total sweetheart. She'd offered me some pills for the headache and had explained everything she knew. To add up to it, she was making everyone breakfast, scrambled eggs to be exact. I had wondered if it would be right to eat that after vomiting this morning, but I felt okay stomach-wise now.

After I had woken up this morning and gotten nervous about whether or not we had done something the night before, I walked downstairs in the search of my pants while being careful not to be seen by anyone. My attempts of being discreet utterly failed as Melanie saw me as soon as I stepped on the first floor of their house. She explained the few things she knew and I sat down in the kitchen stools while she cooked. I had burrowed a pair of David's sweatpants, both because I just couldn't hang around in my underwear and because my legs were hairy.

I took my cellphone and dialed Eva first.

"You stupid bitch, you have no idea what you put us through last night!" She explained, greeting me.

"Crap, what happened?" I asked.

"What's the last thing you remember?" She asked.

"I don't know, it's all mixed up." I muttered, rubbing my fingers against my forehead.

"Okay. Well, first off you made out with that guy, Cameron."

"Connor?" I asked.

I remembered it hazily. I remembered feeling regret. I remembered liking it. I remembered how it was me that pulled him towards me.

How could I have done that?

"Yeah, we were all surprised, to be honest. But, at least he's hot, right?" She said. "Anyway, after that you went off to drink some more, you danced a little, which was hilarious. Grace got pissed so she dragged you off the dance floor and dragged Ivy and me to find a solution to... you. We agreed on guarding you, I was first. But when I turned around you were fucking gone. I looked for you everywhere and the girls almost murdered me, but after half an hour or so we found you passed out on a freaking bathtub with David."

She stopped as to take in a breath and then continued.

"Connor and another one of David's friends helped pull you two into David's car and Grace drove you there, Ivy had to drive the other car even though she had drank a little, but she had drank the least, and then David puked all over his car -you should really tell him to wash that- so your pants and pumps were ruined and so was his... everything. We called David's sister, she said her mom wasn't home, she was surprisingly awake. We texted your mom through your phone and told her we would have a sleepover. We dropped both of you off at David's because if any of the squad's moms found out you got drunk, your mom would've found out. So we took off your pants and heels -I'll take care of those, don't worry- and we took off David's clothes, I guess his sister washed your pants and his clothes this morning and well, we dropped you both on David's bed and we left on the other car, the one Ivy was driving."

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