Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

IF THERE WAS ANYTHING I hated more than classes, it was definitely the library.

The silence overwhelmed me; it gave me the urge to scream or just make some noise. Any noise. I couldn't see how people could just concentrate there in silence with their own minds. I could barely survive tests and exams because I was crowded by thoughts of my own. Besides, I usually muttered to myself the answers.

I entered the silent room while clearing my throat softly, suddenly uncomfortable. Aisles and aisles of books were scattered uniformly throughout the wide room. In the front, tables stood for students to sit and read while in the back one could see a couple of computers for others to investigate and consult.

I sent an interrogatory look at David and he approached one of the tables in the far back. I followed suit and sat in front of him. I put my notebook and book on top of the table as I made myself comfortable and looked back at him, not sure what to do next. There were just a few students at the library in that moment, all of them with books at hand and sitting in small groups of three mostly.

"Okay," he started "let me take a look at your notes."

"Oh, no, I don't really have much in there." I objected.

I definitely didn't want him to look through my notes. There barely were any and the few that existed were useless.

"I'll just check them out." He said shrugging it off.

I put my fist against my mouth and cringed as I watched him slowly take the plain notebook I used for history class. He opened the lid and started reading the words silently, one by one, a frown growing deeper and deeper onto his forehead until he started chuckling lightly and then started laughing, snorting while attempting to avoid being loud and noticeably failing.

The tables were equipped with four chairs each. I moved to the one next to me so I would be sitting on David's side, to be able to see exactly what he was reading. I widened my eyes as I recognized the words I had written on it and my cheeks gained color. The day we'd taken those notes a friend of mine had sat next to me in the back, so we didn't stop messing around with each other's notebooks during the whole hour.

There were failed attempts of different drawings on the borders and messages written on the aforementioned too. The notes weren't accurate at all, besides, I had barely written down three sentences. Then, there was a comment written on my friend's handwriting saying a guy on the corner of the class was hot. That's where we started writing down the lists of the guys we liked and putting them on a scale from cute to hot.

In a few words, it was very embarrassing.

I snapped the notebook from his hands and closed it as I giggled nervously. People around us started shushing us and I was pretty sure my cheeks were scarlet red by then.

"I think we should look for some books instead." he said with a playful expression.

I tried to cover my cheeks with my hair, trying to hide my embarrassment. His lips quirked up at the sight of my shame as we approached the first aisle of books. I tried to put my humiliation aside and passed my index finger through the book covers in search of a book that rang any bells. David stood next to me, doing the same with the row on top.

After looking through too many books, I finally started to give up. It would be helpful if the librarian would even bother to appear in the library. He or she was nowhere to be seen, so we had to find the book on our own and figure out where it was placed, because, to make things worse, the library was barely well organized.

Most books were those donated by students from their past grades, consisting of crappy reading books they assigned every year for readers' plan. These could be found even seven times in a single row. People tended to keep the informative books from the different subjects just in case they would need them in the future, like for exams or tests that included things from the previous year.

Suddenly, bringing me out of my thoughts and frustration, David approached me from behind and neared his lips to my ear, making me suddenly nervous and causing me to slightly blush once more.

"First one to find the book gets free ice cream from the loser." He whispered with a mischievous smile.

Now that was definitely some motivation...

Then, as if on cue, we both started running through the aisles in search of the hidden book. I skimmed quickly through the book titles and pulled out the ones that seemed to have something with general history or with the topic we were studying in that moment.

After noticing the books I pulled out were mostly from freshman year and even middle school, (though I had no idea why someone would donate a middle school book to a high school library) I would quickly throw them on the floor disappointedly. I did this as fast as possible and ran through the rows of books while laughing, hearing David's cheerful chuckle coming from the neighboring aisles.

I ran and ran without even bothering to take a second look to the annoyed students. I couldn't have cared less as I laughed noisily and received shushes from all around me. I looked through the aisles and just as I was about to finish checking one of the last corridors, I recognized the yellow and red book I had so many times thrown into my locker and eventually lost. I smiled widely as I approached it, finally tired from all the running, and admired my future victory from afar.

Just as quickly as the joy came to me, it disappeared. David stood on the other side of the corridor, and I noticed he had seen the book too. He smiled wickedly and ran towards the book, taking me by surprise. Gratefully, I was closer to it, but, as I tried to grab it, a pair of arms took hold of my waist, raised me slightly into the air, and backed me away. I extended my arms in hopes of reaching it as I laughed idiotically.

"This isn't fair! You're cheating!" I exclaimed as I laughed out loud and attempted to hit him lightly. He only chuckled and grabbed the book from the stand, winking at me after doing so and finally letting me down. I tried to glare at him but failed as I started laughing all over again.

Afterwards, though, everything went to hell.

The librarian stood there, just staring at us with a glare that could send a shiver down my spine. Not only did she look hateful, she looked like she could be capable of murder with her flushed face and crossed arms. I whimpered as David widened his eyes and opened his mouth to excuse ourselves.

Her eyes hardened. "The disasters and discomfort you have caused in this library is simply unacceptable." She complained, putting her frizzy hair behind her ears.  "Detention won't make up for it on its own. No. I'm speaking with the principle to give you other punishment, this is simply unacceptable. Follow me, we're going right now."

She turned on her heels and started walking away. I sighed and gave David a look, to which he responded with a slight smirk. I rolled my eyes at him and followed the grumpy woman through the library. As we stepped into the table section, I could feel everyone's eyes on me, glaring and dissing. I tried to ignore them and avoided David's look too, knowing very well that I'd start laughing by just catching his sight.

The old woman walked severely through the library and into the school corridors, closing the door behind her, but still expecting us to keep following. David opened the door for me and I could see his fun expression as I dodged his eyes.

"You're a really bad influence, David." I teased.

"Oh, you have no idea."



Hey guys!

I hope you like this chapter, I had a hard time writing it because my mind was literally blank on what to do next, but I had promised updates every two weeks, so here it is. I was not able to double check this chapter, so please forgive any typos and don't be ashamed to comment on those mistakes!

I really hope you like it, please don't forget to vote and comment!

Slay C

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