Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

MY HEART FELL TO MY stomach as David turned towards her and she towards him.

The first thing David did was shake his head. Laura, started saying no as well, but, I knew better and was aware of the fact that she was doing it only so that she wouldn't look too needy and eager to do so.

"Kiss. Kiss. Kiss." People started chanting.

Laura laughed as David seemed concerned. He looked around and finally met my eyes. His eyes seemed regretful, as if asking for forgiveness or even permission. I looked away and said something random to the person next to me, pretending I didn't care about what was happening before my eyes, as if it didn't affect me.

Oh, but it did.

It really did.

I even felt my eyes water and so many things were going through my head I didn't even know what I was feeling. But, knowing my luck, it didn't surprise me. An empty sensation made it's was through my stomach, the same feeling I experienced in roller coasters when they were about to fall. I was at the highest point, waiting for the drop, anxious of what would happen next.

And, as David turned around to look at Laura and everyone cheered y felt myself linger on the abyss.

Their lips touched and everything fell.

People started whooping and laughing, finding it exciting. Meanwhile, my feelings fell on me like a anvil, impossible to lift. So many feelings clouded my mind and all I could feel was the need to leave. Nonetheless, the smile prevailed on my lips, because, unlike the last time they kissed, I would make myself surpass this. I made myself watch and I didn't let myself seem affected or weak. Eventually, I felt oddly detached.

As soon as they separated, David tried to meet my gaze once more. I avoided it and, like the time before, commented something to the person next to me to be discrete.

The game continued, I limited myself to look through my cellphone. The game went in circles through the same people over and over, the rest just sitting there and once in a while getting a dare or so.

"Connor's here!" Someone exclaimed.

I lifted my head and caught sight of the raven haired boy with the well known smirk. He gazed at me and continued to scan the rest of the people sitting in the living room, saying hi and sitting down on a crowded sofa.

"Truth or dare?" Someone asked.

"Dare." He stated without hesitation.

The girl who asked started staring around mischievously, a smile glistening on her face. She turned back to Connor with a dare on her mind.

"Make out with a person of your choice."

His eyes scanned the people once again and I, uninterested by what was happening, once more lowered my gaze upon my cellphone screen.

A part of me wandered if he'd choose me. I mean, it made some sense. But then the other part of me dismissed it, thinking he would never choose me, that I was only a one night thing and that I shouldn't overrate myself, besides, I didn't even want to be chosen. However, unlike in pretty much all of the other situations in my life, my first self was right about what happened.

"Would you do the honors?" Connor said to me teasingly, extending a hand towards me.

Chimes and whistles filled the room as blush climbed upon my skin and an embarrassed smile flexed my lips. I shook my head hastily, however, everyone cheered for me to do so and a part of me was urging myself to go with it as well. The thought of Laura and David haunted my mind, which led me to finally acceding to such a thing.

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