Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I LOOKED THROUGH MY HOUSE to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind. It was easy to tell, since there was barely anything left in it. The furniture had been taken away already and all of our things had been stocked in boxes and moved as well.

I checked what had been my room once, finding it lacking anything at all, except for a loose shoe I threw into my backpack so I could take with me. I closed all of the doors on my way out and left the keys inside the pot next to the door where the realtor had told us to, so she could pass by later and eventually show the house to anyone interested in buying.

We we're moving back from the United States, back to South America. While talking to David, I'd realized that living where my father's life was lastly spent and where it had ended would be like rubbing salt into the wound. I realized that to help myself get used to such a huge change in my life, I needed to change everything altogether.

As soon as I'd gone home and found my mother worried sick about where I'd been that night, since she was barely sleeping she realized I wasn't home, I told her my idea of moving. She thought about it and agreed that is was a good idea, she would just have to talk to her boss to see if there was a position available for her back there or at least assure a job.

Some time later, she told me her company had agreed to find her a position that, while it was not as great as the one she had in the US, it could maintain us perfectly. And so, we discussed the idea with Sam, which he thought was great, and it became definite.

We were leaving.

My friends had been reluctant at first. I knew they were mostly driven by the thought that it was just a crazy idea I was having at the moment that wouldn't get carried on, but it was something I knew I needed. When I had let them know it was happening, they had all been shocked, but they were friendly and helpful. They had even made a small reunion to say goodbye to me, which I had found endearing, but still wasn't able to enjoy because of my usual low mood lately.

School had been understanding as well. My mother talked to the dean and they let me present exams after everyone else had, after winter break, and passing through the halls just to present them while everyone went to their classes and stared at me and whispered to one another had been nothing but dreadful. It was a sort of comfort to know it was the last time, at least for a while, I would be walking around that school despite it being saddening as well.

I got into the cab, where my mom was waiting for me with a couple of bags in the trunk. Most of our stuff was already there, back in the house where we had lived so long ago that had been rented until now, some of our things were in a warehouse and the rest we had sold or given away. It had been a long process, but it was finally over and I was ready to leave all behind.

Despite the fact of having had second thoughts many times, I was still faithful to the idea that it was for the best, it was for our own sanity. But I couldn't deny that seeing my everyday life pass away through the windows of the yellow cab was not only nostalgic, but also utterly painful.

We finally arrived to the airport, where the taxi driver helped us get the bags out of the car and we entered the premises. We checked in and gave our baggage, however, as we were to enter the area of international flights and go through security, a group of teens looking like they'd been chased entered the airport.

"Aren't those your friends?" My mother asked.

I smiled and nodded, suddenly flooded by the urge to cry.

"I'll get going, you say goodbye to your friends." She showed me a comforting smile and entered.

I turned around to receive a running Eva between my arms, getting tackled by the gathered momentum. I laughed as my butt hit the ground and I couldn't help but get a lump in my throat. I would miss my friends more than anything.

Eva stood and pulled me up, grabbing me by the hands and hugging me once more when we were on our feet. I felt her sob and tears started gathering in my eyes.

Behind her came all of my closest friends. A piece of me was rather disappointed Laura hadn't showed once more. Ivy and Grace came jogging towards us and threw themselves at us for the hug, almost making us fall once again. As soon as I regained my posture and let go of them, my eyes lifted up to meet David's. I was suddenly reminded of the first time I had noticed him and a wave of butterflies ran through my stomach, causing a shiver to run down my spine and a nostalgic smile to climb up to my lips.

Nevertheless, before I could reach for him, someone else wrapped their arms around me: Connor. I was surprised he would come to the airport to say goodbye, but, ever since everything started falling apart, I had found comfort in him countless times and we had gotten a lot closer.

I took hold of him until the tears finally beat me. A single tear ran down my cheek but I passed my hand through it quickly. My friends flashed a sad look as I let go of Connor, who cupped my cheek and smiled at me before letting me go.

Finally, David pulled me to him and wrapped me firmly, as if afraid to let me go. I held my arms around him and closed my eyes, engulfing myself in his smell. I decided I would try to remember his scent, I would try to remember the way he felt. I hugged him tighter as more tears escaped my eyes and as the lump on my throat grew tighter.

I was tempted not to leave. A part of me was urging me to stay, but it was already too late and I knew this was something I needed to do.

David let me go reluctantly. As soon as his arms got loose around me, his hands traveled up to my face and cupped both my cheeks. He put his forehead lightly against mine and we stayed in that position for what seemed like so long yet so short at the same time.

My friends were smiling sadly at me, but I couldn't bare looking at them too long, or else I would start crying horrendously.

My phone started ringing almost as if on cue. It was my mother, telling me that she was sorry, but that it was time I got in or else it would be too late.

A part of me was tempted to ditch everything, to leave everything there and leave with my friends, nevertheless, of course, my rational side took over and reminded me, not only that that was a crazy idea, but that this had been something I'd decided and something I truly believed I needed.

"I should get going," I declared, gulping right after, as if that would help get rid of the lump in my throat.

Ivy hugged me once more, "You'll visit, right?"

I nodded and smiled at her. Soon, Grace neared me as well and gave me a tight hug, followed by Eva, who did not forget to spank me, obviously. I let out a small laugh as Connor grabbed me as well and passed a hand through my hair, making it messier than it was. Finally, it was David again and this time it seemed even harder to let go.

"Thank you so much for coming guys, I'll miss you so much," I croaked right after pulling away from David.

They smiled and nodded. I started walking away, heading for security to finally enter the flight that would change the course of everything. A new chapter in my life was about to begin. A fresh start from square one that would help me heal and move on. I looked one last time at my friends as I tried to take a mental picture of that scene, finally turning around and feeling ready to leave everything behind.

However, as I was soon to enter, a hand pulled my wrist from behind, causing me to turn around in surprise. David looked at me in pain, my friends waiting from the distance, staring expectantly at him.

He pulled me to him and our lips touched for what would be the last time, at least in a very long time. I let his touch engulf me as tears welled up once more. I put my hands over his cheeks while his took hold of my waist and we kissed softly. It was the best way to say goodbye, as if the kiss was a way to seal our history.

As soon as he let go, our eyes met and he sighed.

"Just one more for the road..."



The book is finally over. Thank you so much for everything and I really hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for all the love and support, thank you for reading.

Slay C

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