And Now What?

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"And now what?" he asks as we're on our backs, trying to catch our breaths

"What do u mean?"

"I mean, was this the last time we're doing that or should I expect another surprise like that?"

"Honestly? I don't know... I was convinced it was over the day we were in your office! When I saw u at my own house, I was so furious! I swore I will do everything in my power to stay away from u, when I realized that this will never happen if u're in business with my dad, I came to make u quit, because I thought I was afraid about people finding out about us, but then I realized that I just can't control myself around u! My body keeps remembering how good we are when we have sex and takes over my mind... After leaving from your place, I just hoped that the next time I'll see u, I would have been able to solve that problem and be immune to u, but u showed up at my graduation! And when Sarah invited me to spend the night, I cursed myself for saying yes, but I had really missed her, so I said to myself just go, sleep and leave as fast as u can the next day, and then u know the rest... "

"Felicity, u can't keep doing that to Oliver! He seems like a great guy and he looks at u with so much love... And, let's be honest, not many guys forgive cheating, ok? If he moved past it, it means he really wants u in his life..."

"I know! *puts hands on face* and it's killing me that I keep being drawn to u! I love him, I really do, but I also love our chemistry! I had sex with many guys during our open relationship with Oliver, but nothing compares to us!"

"I won't say I don't agree... We really have great sex, but I can't keep fucking u, while having in my mind that there's a poor guy waiting for u at home, thinking how lucky he is to have found the one! I mean, u're getting married in a few months and instead of planning the wedding with him, u're in my bed! U have to choose, Felicity!"

"God, why do u even care?" I ask turning to look at him

"I'm just imagining how I would feel if I were him...I'm not a touchy-feely kinda guy, but something like that would kill me! And if u're not sure u can spend the rest of your life with him, then maybe u should end it..."

"Oh my God!"


"U like me!"

"Of course I do! U're fun to be around!"

"No, I mean, u like me! Like, u have feelings for me!"

"Where did u get that from?"

"Oh come on, it's so obvious! I don't think u're the guy that makes small talk after meaningless sex, so, u wanting to talk about it, means it's not that meaningless! U're trying to see if u have a chance with me!"

"So, what if I am? Huh? Is it that bad?"

"It's not bad, it's weird! U're the one who said that u don't do relationships!"

"I don't! I've tried and I've failed many times before and many times after I met u! But there's a difference between before and after..."

"Which is?"

"Before, it just always felt wrong, like something was missing, but I didn't know what! But after we had sex the first time, I finally understood what was missing..."

"And what was that?"

"The heat we have! The sparkle! And also the understanding... No one has ever seen me as who I am and has been ok with that before! Every girl I ever paid, she was just doing whatever she could to get the money, my relationships did the same, but u..."

"I did it for the money too, Aaron..."

"Not the sex... Not the deep conversations we had... U actually cared! U made me feel good for once! U told me that it's ok to have fetishes and not wanting the conventional stuff..."

"I just think it's not right to judge people just because they're different in any way... As long as u don't harm anyone, it's your business!"

"Do u have any idea how important that is? Do u have any idea how at peace this makes me feel? I always felt like a weird guy who runs after girls half his age without anything else to offer, except money to lure them in! But u took an interest in me, u showed me affection and u made me realize that the only reason I was paying girls to do stuff for me, was that I never thought any of them would be interested in a guy my age..."

"Do u seriously not know how many girls have a thing for older guys?"

"A thing yeah, just for a few months and then they leave... They don't want to spend the rest of their lives with a guy so much older!"

"Well, did u see the girl with the black hair that was with me yesterday?"


"That's Nicky, my best friend, the guy with his arm around her was her dad, but the guy on her other side, the one with the Grey-silver hair and the blue eyes, is her fiancé! She's been with him for nearly 4 years, and she's still madly in love with him! She has his kids as her own, even though she never wanted kids herself... She's still madly in love with him, like the first day she met him, she keeps saying how happy she is with him and how she would never trade him for any guy her age! So, tell me again how girls my age don't want to spend the rest of their lives with a guy your age... "

"Wow... "

"Love has nothing to do with age! Sure, dating a minor is a whole other thing, but when we talk about adult relationships, what matters is how the other person makes u feel! It's about not being able to picture your life without them; Age plays a very small part! And I think that what u have isn't a fetish..."

"It's not?"

"No, not really...I think u go after girls my age because u know that because their younger, they'll make u feel younger too! Now u're at your 40s, a girl in her 20s will make u feel alive by going to parties, meeting new people, getting out of your routine - going back to your 20s for a while! But when u're in your 60s and she's in her 40s, she'll be young enough to have fun with and feel good, but old enough to have a mature conversation with, to know each other's limits... U need a girl half your age to keep u on your toes till u die! And let me tell u a secret: the older u both get, the smallest the gap will feel, because u'll have spent so much time together, that u'll finally feel like equals, u won't see any difference... And that's amazing if u ask me!"

"U're so smart, how can u be so smart and intuitive?"

"Well, I read a lot... My major has also helped a lot in reading people..."

"Right... So, if I asked u to leave Oliver and come with me, would u do it?"

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