She Told Me Everything

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Aaron's P.O.V

2 days ago, Scott called me and asked if I was planning on coming to New Orleans any time soon, but when I told him that it wasn't till the next month, he insisted on me coming this week, so that's what I did, and now I'm on my way to his house. I must admit he sounded very serious on the phone, and made me understand that he has something bad to tell me. I thought of contacting Felicity to ask her if she knows what's about, but then I thought that it was a bad idea...

"So, why the rush? I thought u were ok with me coming to New Orleans once a month..."I ask him as we sit at this office

"I was, but I have something we should really talk about and it couldn't wait!"

"Ok, I'm all ears!"

"How does it feel to look me in the eyes after seducing my daughter?" he asks laid back on his chair, with his legs crossed and his hands tangled on his knee, looking at me with a poker face. For a second there, I think I heard wrong


"Didn't u understand the question?"

"I-I did! But I wanted to make sure I heard right..."

"Oh, u heard me just fine!"

"Ok, so, how do u know that I did that?"

"Don't! Don't u dare try to make me look like a fool! It won't help your case! Felicity told me everything!"

"She did?" I ask surprised

"She didn't have another choice! I found the papers from your agreement and I made her tell me every little detail about your relationship, so don't try to deny anything!"

"How are u sure she told u everything?"

"Well, for starters, there were too many things that happened, that if there's more, I'm gonna jump off the window! Secondly, she looked so relieved after she told me everything, so I think she got it all out!"

"Alright then, u know everything, so I suppose u didn't ask me to come to make me tell u what happened..."

"No, I asked u to come because I wanted to see how far your disrespect can go!"

"Scott, I understand u're angry, and u have every right to be, but this has nothing to do with u!"

"So, u wanna tell me that u had no idea she was my daughter when u started your twisted little fantasy?"

"I looked her up and your name came up, I saw some pictures of u together, but at that time you were a stranger to me, I didn't remember u, till one day it dawned to me that my dad had a college buddy with your name, so I looked u up, found an article talking about your education and that's when I connected the dots, but when that happened I had stopped seeing Felicity for months..."

"U'd better not be lying to me, son!"

"I'm not! I don't have a reason to, the cat is out of the bag, so I think it's better if I just be honest from now on..."

"Good! Now tell me, why her? If u didn't have an ulterior motive, why did u pick her?"

"I saw her dancing and I thought that she would look so good stripping down for me..."

"U weren't kidding when u said u're gonna be honest!" he says looking shocked

"U asked, I answered, Scott..."

"Yeah, yeah...ok, u liked the way she danced! When did u realize that she's more than a pretty thing?"

"The day we went out to talk about the agreement..."

"Oh, so u saw she wasn't a dumb college girl and u still wanted to go with it?"

"Yes, I didn't care that she's smart and down to earth...I just wanted one last hurrah!"

"Never occurred to u that a girl like her will make u weak in your knees?" He asks and I chuckle

"Funny?" he asks with narrowed eyes

"No, I just liked the way u asked me..."

"Was it the wrong way?"

"No, it was just so fucking accurate!"

"I know my daughter, Aaron! U don't wanna know how many boys I have scooped off my lawn just because they got madly in love with her but she didn't want them..."

"Doesn't look like the type of girl who would like boys piling at her door!"

"She's not! She doesn't like the attention, but her personality makes guys lose their shit! She walks in a room and it lights up, even if she's a mess...she has her mom's glow whatever she does! She could murder someone and have the cops set her free without even trying! One look and u're down!"

"Honestly? I have seen pretty girls and I have seen smart girls, I thought that I had seen all the types, but then I found her and suddenly I understood all those silly songs! She's so much more than she lets the world see! I can't begin to even describe what she has made me feel...anger, love, desperation, all in one! I get so confused every time we meet; It starts one way and it ends another! I go crazy!"

"I know, trust me! Her mother was just like that when I met her!"

"Does it ever change? All this confusion?"

"It doesn't! U just learn to live with it...u accept it and u love it! U need to be strong to live the rest of your life like that...and Oliver isn't that strong! He won't be able to bear her magic for long!"

"I don't know about that, he looks at her like a goddess!"

"He's still enchanted...when the spell wears off, he'll be driven crazy and he'll make her feel like she's too much to handle! But she's not! She just needs someone strong enough to let her be her own person before she can be someone else's! Someone who will accept that she's too fierce to be kept in a golden cage, too independent to need him..."

"I think she needs no one..."

"And that's where u're wrong, son! She needs to have someone to rely on, to know that has her back, that he will be there when she needs to let her guard down!"

"Why are u telling me all that, Scott?"

"Because I believe that u can be that someone...the only question is, do u believe it?"

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