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"Quick question: why is my card denied?" I ask my dad when he picks up

"Hello to u too, Felicity, how are u?"

"Yeah, yeah, hi, why is my card declined? "

"I stopped paying for it..."

"Why would u do that?"

"Because u keep buying shit u don't need and I can't keep paying for useless stuff..."

"U never had a problem with that, what happened now?"

"U're an adult now, u need to learn that money doesn't grow on trees and that u can't spend a fortune on useless things...u have to earn your own money and manage your spendings accordingly!"

"U can't be serious now..."


"But...we're rich..."

"We are not...I am..."

"Are u cutting me off?" I ask him confused

"No! I'm still paying for your university, and your name is still on my will, but u have to learn how money is earned...u have to be responsible! "

"I will be responsible...just keep paying my card and I'll try to be reasonable..."

"No can't do, I don't trust u that much...u have to work for money!"

"How am I supposed to get by till I get my first paycheck?"

"Come on, I know u...I'm sure u have cash stashed somewhere..." He says and I roll my eyes


"Now tell me, how are u?"

"I'm good...I can say I have adjusted well..."

"How's your roommate?"

"Non-existent...she's always out, she barely comes to sleep..."

"That's not a good influence for u...I can arrange for u to change dorm"

"Don't worry, daddy, I'll be fine...I'm not that naive and, of course, I'm not gonna end up like Daisy!"

"Your sister made some bad choices...we all make them at some point in our lives!"

"Well, trust me, I'm not gonna make these kinds of choices...And I sure as hell won't befriend anyone that has!"

"With that being said, are u gonna quit smoking?"

"Nope, It goes well with my coffee..." I answer and he sighs

"At least I tried..."

"Yeah, anyway, I have to go, I have a lecture in 10 minutes and I have to change..."

"Alright, have a nice lecture...and take care! Love u..."

"Love u too, daddy..."I say and hang up thinking how I'm gonna do this


"Are we gonna hit the club tonight?" My best friend, Nicky, asks me as we eat in a restaurant near the campus after my last lecture


"What? Why? It's Friday!"

"Well, I'm out of money..."

"How's that even possible? "

"My dad wants me to be independent, so he stopped paying my credit card...I had to pay with cash today at the store I went for the new headphones! That was so embarrassing, when the teller told me that my card keeps being declined I felt like trash...thank God I had cash!"

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