Chapter 5 - good morning

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Rylee's POV

The next morning I wake up feeling so refreshed. Something that hasn't happened in weeks. I took the whole bed by myself and I was able to move when I wanted without worrying about Jacob and I was able to sleep how I wanted without getting picked at for drooling. It felt fucking fantastic and I loved it.

I get to the bathroom and brush my teeth before showering and drying off. I slip my clothes back on from yesterday and slowly take off Jax's shirt as I smell it again. I take a long sniff of it before taking off his boxers. Once I'm dressed I slip my shoes on and go down the stairs.

I stop when I hear singing in the kitchen. I slowly walk into the kitchen and see Jaxton dancing and singing at the top of his lungs to rap music and I'm proud he knows all the words. He must hear me laugh when he turns and has the biggest red cheeks.

"No! Continue! I'm impressed! But how do you go from a killing machine who punches people for fun to a sensational rapper overnight?" I ask as he laughs at me. He cuts the music down as I make my way into the kitchen and set my stuff down. I see his foot still on a pillow as he stands cooking me breakfast and my heart melts. He's still hurt but he made it a mission to cook breakfast this morning and I want to smile and cry at the same time.

"You didn't have to do this." I tell him as I step to his side and see pancakes, eggs, bacon, and grits.

"Yeah I did. You helped me a lot yesterday and I'm thankful." He tells me as I pull the spatula away from his hand. I open his arms as I hug myself into his naked chest.

"Thank you so much Jax. For everything, for listening." I whisper to him as I hug him. He listened when I opened up and it's was so refreshing to be able to tell someone how I've been feeling.

"What's your favorite reply? Of course." He tells me hugging me back as he wraps his arms around my waist and leans into my shoulder. It feels so good, more than just good, it feels right. I know I hug him longer than I should as his breath hits onto my neck and chill bumps break out on my arms. I grab the back of his head and rub my hand through his hair before I pull away.

"I promise it's not a big deal. I'm almost done." He tells me as I smile at him. I move away and grab plates from his cabinet as he stands in one spot finishing. I set the plates at the barstools in the kitchen and take orange juice out of his refrigerator and fill two cups sitting them on the countertop.

Then out of nowhere I hear meows coming from outside. "Jax do you have a cat?" I ask walking down the hallway to the backdoor. I open it as I look down and a black and white cat rubs my legs before running through the door.

"Oh my gosh it got in!" I exclaim coming back into the kitchen as Jax stands there laughing. "It's fine. His name is Bee, he was my moms old guy. He doesn't come into see me unless he's hungry. He loves to chase the bees and animals outside. Hence why he got his name from getting stung by bees. His foods in the cabinet, you can open a can and give it to him. His bowls in there too." He tells me pointing to the cabinet above my head as I nod.

The fact that he's taking care of his moms cat, makes my heart melt. This man is absolutely amazing and he's going to make a woman so happy one day. I open a can of cat tuna and put it into a bowl before setting it down with the water beside the pantry doors. Bee loves on me with his body before he starts eating and I pet his head.

"How old is he?" I ask Jax. "Seven. He's an old man." He tells me as I smile.

"Well he makes me reconsider not liking cats too much." I exclaim as he laughs with me. That's another thing Jax and I do, we laugh. We laugh together, at each other, and we smile. We're happy when we're together like this.

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