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It's been awhile, which I can do nothing more than apologise for and give you this chapter. 

It's quite a long chapter than the previous one so I hope it is okay. I've spent quite a while on it.

I apologise for any mistakes, I'm being quite lazy at the moment considering how late it is!

SO yeah... Enjoy :3

WARNING: May contain some mature scenes! Don't say I didn't warn you!



You refused to sit around the Davenport Manor wallowing up in your sorrow, so for the past week or so, you had helped around the Homestead. Even during the beating sun or the harshest winds, you helped out at the farm or you collected supplies for the tavern. Usually the jobs were chasing after escapee chickens or harvesting some of the crops that were fully grown and ready to be used.

It temporarily took your mind off the memory of your burning store, but as soon as you were alone in the manor, your mind went into turmoil. So you drowned yourself in work just to keep your mind away from reminding yourself what had happened.

Achilles always looked at you with concern and shook his head. And when Ratonhnhaké:ton gets home late at night and sees you still up and busy, he would always try and force you to go to your room that he had prepared for you. You would obey obviously, seeming as your eyes threatened to shut tight and you found it hard to focus. Also, getting to sleep was much easier than before as you wore your body down to exhaustion.


So it was no surprise when Ratonhnhaké:ton came home one early evening to find you were not within the manor. He wondered out of the grand house and walked slowly through the Homestead, looking for your whereabouts.

Down by the river bed you knelt, scrubbing clothes along a washboard. Your hands worked hard on removing the blood that were splattered and stained on Ratonhnhaké:ton’s shirts and cleaning yours and Achilles’s clothes too.

You failed to hear the approaching footsteps and Ratonhnhaké:ton waited a second before he cleared his throat, making you aware of his presence.

“Oh, hello Ratonhnhaké:ton,” You said as you turned back around and continued to scrub the soap over his shirt and push and pull it along the wooden washboard. You fingers began to numb up in the icy cold waters during the blustering winds of a cloudy day.

“[y/n] why don’t you take a break?” He said, worry etched in his voice and you could hear it too, but you sighed and scrubbed even harder, your fingers turning white from the force you put on them.

“I’ve nearly done, then I will take a little bre-“

“No, come on,” His giant hands wrapped around your upper arm and he gently lifted you, forcing you to stand on your aching feet and he pulled you towards the forest that enveloped the Homestead.

“Wha- Ratonhnhaké:ton I need to finish it, I can’t just leave it!” You exclaimed, looking in front to see that he was looking over at you with serious eyes that lost their spark. In a way, you hated the fact that you were causing him to worry so much, but if you didn’t keep yourself busy with work, then you would lose yourself to sorrow like you did when your mother and father died.

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