Never Giving In

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You winced as you fell hard on your back into the mud as the rain poured heavily from the sky. You felt dazed, seeing stars flying past, and winded as you found it hard to breathe.  Ratonhnhaké:ton was told not to hold back, and he certainly was doing as he was told.

"Get up," Achilles commanded, "If you want to become an assassin, you must get up, fight and NEVER give in,"

You were shivering, the rain biting at every nerve in your body. Your body was telling you to stop, but you wanted this more than ever. You weren't giving in, you wanted to prove you are not a failure. With a grunt, you pushed yourself up off the ground, your chest heaving with exhaustion. Training was beginning to take its toll. Night and day for the past couple of months, you were either outside in all weathers going against Ratonhnhaké:ton, or in the cellar practicing your swordsmanship. 

Ratonhnhaké:ton looked over at Achilles waiting for his next instruction, which was nothing more than a mere nod. With that,  Ratonhnhaké:ton came at you with a flurry of attacks, all in which you tried you best to parry and defend yourself from the impending blade.  

"You're feet [Y/N]! Pick up your feet!" Achilles yelled out above the crashing metal and thunder that ravaged through the cloudy skies. However, Ratonhnhaké:ton caught you out once again, causing you to fall face first into the mud. 

"You do not try! YOU WILL NEVER BECOME ONE OF US!" Achilles' voice was stern and unwelcoming, and it hurt. Tears forming in your eyes as you knew that you were letting your weaknesses get the better of you.

"I do!" You cried out as you pushed yourself to a seated position and look up at Achilles with half of your face caked in mud, and your hair falling in front of your face.

"No! You don't! Give up child, you are not worthy," Achilles went to turn around and walk away, but you managed to push yourself up to your feet with a slight stumble and a shout that you never expected to be inside you, erupted from your mouth.


Ratonhnhaké:ton watched with pride of your determination, silently urging you on to keep trying and to keep strong. Achilles turned around and shrugged, "Then prove yourself!"

With a huff, you bellowed out a battle cry and caught Ratonhnhaké:ton off guard with your sudden attack. Your blows were more powerful than before, as though every ounce of energy left in your body was being exerted there and then, to the point where it made Ratonhnhaké:ton stumble and struggle to defend himself. Hit after hit you weakened Ratonhnhaké:ton defense, until finally, his blade left his grasp and yours were mere inches from his throat. Both of you breathed hard, and Ratonhnhaké:ton raised his arms up slightly to show Achilles he was defenseless and that you won the fight. Silence filled the air until finally, Achilles nodded.

"Good," Was all he said before he once more turned around and headed for the shelter of the manor. 

  Ratonhnhaké:ton watched you as your arms fell heavily back down to your sides, and as the energy immediately seeped out of your being. He could see your body suddenly sway, and quickly, he caught your form before you could fall to the ground once more.

"Let us get you inside," He said before lifting you up off your feet and carried you towards the manor. 


Long time no see, and with only a short chapter. This is just a bit of a filler, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter, more is to come soon as I slowly get back into the rhythm of things. University is time-consuming so please bare with me! Thanks!!!

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