Lexington and Concord

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"Can I not go with you?"

Ratonhnhaké:ton was preparing his horse, strapping his sack upon the horses back and securing the saddle. You stood close by, bandaged up and with a limp, but you wanted to prove yourself to him and Achilles, despite the slight discomfort you were in.

"Lexington is not safe [Y/N], the redcoats have made camp outside the town and the patriots have already prepared the men. I would have stayed to help if it weren't for trying to find you," He said before finishing preparing the horse and he turned to face you, the sun of dawn shone down upon his copper face, strengthening his features, "In your condition, it's best you stay here where it's safe,"

"But I want to help," You sighed, and with a small smirk upon his lips, Ratonhnhaké:ton stepped towards you and put his large, rough hand upon your cheek.

"And you will, once you're better," He said softly this time, his thumb smoothing across your cheek, "Why don't you help Achilles clean the house or run some errands around the Homestead while i'm gone. I will be back before you know it,"

With a slight thinning of your lips, you nodded reluctantly, wanting nothing more than to stay by his side. The thought of him going to the battle front made your stomach churn with worry... or was it envy? You've always wanted to see what war was really like.

"Just be safe," You whispered out softly, and with a small smile, Ratonhnhaké:ton bowed his head down to your level and pressed his lips upon yours in a soft, lingering kiss. You didn't want it to be over, but it did as Ratonhnhaké:ton lifted his head, the warmth of his lips leaving yours as he walked over to the horse and effortlessly mounted onto it's sturdy back.

His gaze never left yours for a moment, as though you were both speaking words that only the two of you could hear. Be safe. I love you. Come back to me. I will. I love you too.

Finally, he broke away from your gaze as the horse whined restlessly and he gave a slight yell, kicking the horses side as it began to trot down the path of the stables and onto the road into the settlement. You stood by the fence as you watched, a soft sigh escaping your lips.

"[Y/N]," a voice called over to you, and you turned your head to see Achilles stood in the porch of the front door, "Can you come inside a second?"

With one last glance to the settlement, you pushed yourself away from the fence and headed back inside. Achilles hobbled in front of you as he led you towards the hidden entrance under the stairs. With a tug of the golden candelabra, the wall gave way and Achilles made his way down the stairs into the cellar below.

"If you're to become an assassin, you need to know the history," Achilles' elderly voice ricocheted from the cellar walls. He led you far into the weaponry where a few books were stored inside a glass fronted cupboard. With a creak, Achilles opened the cupboard, pulling out an old dusty book. With a blow on its surface, the dust whisked into the air.

"Read this, it has everything you need to know," Achilles handed it over to you and you took the book, reading down upon the cover.

Adewale's Journal

"Who's Adewale?" Your eyes lifted to Achilles' aged grey eyes, and you could see the question saddened him. Clearly the person mean't a lot to the old man.

"He was a dear friend of mine, killed by one of my novices named Shay Cormac who turned to the Templars and worked for Haytham..."

"Ratonhnhaké:ton's father," You whispered softly.

"Yes... Adewale was also a good friend of Connor's grandfather, Edward Kenway. His story is written in there too. Read it and you will find out a lot about the brotherhood, what we stand for," Achilles' then began to step back over to the stairs, ascending them and leaving you alone in the cellar.

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