The Opportunity To Kill

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Sorry for the long wait. I had a lot of stuff going off that prevented me from updating this fanfiction.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter :3


The Opportunity To Kill

 You enlightened yourself with the view of the Homestead from the top of the cliff. It was very cozy and peaceful looking from such a height. Many people, yet not as much as in Boston, roamed the settlement and went along with their daily lives. In your daze, you failed to notice the hooves that advanced toward you. A slight cough was heard which finally caught your attention making you turn. As you did, you saw a hand stretched out towards you by Ratonhnhaké:ton who was already upon the horse. Ratonhnhaké:ton had given you the chance to gaze upon the Homesteads beauty before you advanced towards the Davenport Manor. Immediately you took his hand and he effortlessly pulled you up in front of him, he didn't let go of your waist until you was steady and ready to continue.

The path down the cliff was peaceful, the sun beamed down on the two of you and many sailors walked about the path down to the Homestead. As soon as you began to come among the locals, many people began greeting Ratonhnhaké:ton as you went by, with both a smile and a cheerful 'afternoon' that was sent his way. You could feel the warm welcome of the Homestead, everyone was relaxed and the forest that surrounded the houses seemed to hug you, calming your nerves that troubled you during the journey there. A small smile threatened your lips.

Hidden by trees, the large manor sat, tall and grand. The closer you got, the more it came into your view. Grand as it was on the outside, you wondered exactly what it would be like to walk the halls and stand in the rooms of such a place. Ratonhnhaké:ton led the horse to the stables, where a bubbly dog came trotting over and sat with its tail wagging. With little effort, Ratonhnhaké:ton slid off the back end of the horse, then turned and stretched out his arms towards you, grabbed your waist and he helped you down from the horse's back. As soon as your feet touched the ground, his hands slid from your waist and he turned, advancing with strides of immeasurable amounts towards the entrance of the house. Your delicate feet wearily trotted behind with uncertainty, every step closer urged your nervousness to regain control over you. With a click of the lock, the door inched wider and wider and halted to a stop.

"After you," Ratonhnhaké:ton's eyes were fixated on yours as he held the door open for you to enter. Your eyes highlighted the fitful emotions that ran through your mind. The Homestead was beautiful, peaceful and not at all what you thought it would be like, if anything, it was better. Ratonhnhaké:ton... or shall you say 'Connor', had came back into your life again. Your life felt almost whole. But something was missing. Something deep inside you felt as though something that can be part of your life was missing and was leaving a small hole in your heart. What was making you nervous was that you felt it was right to enter the house and face whatever was going to happen. You felt it was right to prove yourself to Achilles, and you were afraid that you were to be rejected by him for some unknown reason and that hole in your heart would never be filled. Slowly, you looked up at Ratonhnhaké:ton for encouragement. He noticed and put his masculine hand on your shoulder, giving you a light shake and a nod. 

A smile faintly crossed your lips and with a deep breath, you took a step through the doorway into the house. Your eyes wondered the hall, and wondered up the stairs that lead to the second floor. It was a very simplistic house, plain with only a few decorations. Yet the place had character, and it was not at all flashy in anyway. The smile that threatened you before found it's way to your lips, the house was cozy, and pretty much what you expected from someone like Ratonhnhaké:ton. Ratonhnhaké:ton closed the door as he entered and watched you as your wondering gaze led your feet further into the house. However, once the old voice of the man sat in the cushioned chair spoke, you were brought down to reality and the calmness disappeared.

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