The Escort

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The Escort

June 1774

6 months had passed since the terrifying experience you had endured, and since 'Connor' saved you from being horrifically raped by the men in the alley. You tried to turn a blind eye to the memory, but failed as each night, the memory hit you in your dreams, and never failed to make you shudder as the unfamiliar hands fought for pleasure. It was the most daunting moment of your life, and you were thankful that Connor had saved you just in time, before it got any worse than it did.

It was a normal Saturday morning in the market close to the church. Seagulls circled the spire of the church that stood near by. Some rested on the cross, squawking at the others whilst the warmth of the beaming sun heated their feathers. Down below on the muck ridden floor, was the sight of civilization at it's finest. You strolled past each stall, breathing in each scent of meat, fruit and spices that had your mouth watering with want. Once you reached your favourite stall, you stopped, wide eyed at the magnificent quality of the fresh fruit. Mango, Pineapple, Bananas, all in which made your stomach groan. The stall owner gleamed at your presence.

"Good Morning [name], you're lookin' mighty fine on a day like this,"

"Why thank you George," You grinned back and looked down at your attire. You wore a dark green and white dress that was tight fitting around your waist and flowed downward like a waterfall to the ground. It had mid length sleeves that had a slight frill to the ends.

"So then, what might I tempt you with lass?"

"Something refreshing," With a nod of his head, he pointed to the box filled with kiwi, and waited your response. With a smile, you nodded and gave him the money. You loved going about the market, because everyday, different batches of fresh food and mysteries became available, and you loved to explore. Exploring was what you were best at, thats how you ended up at the Mohawk Valley when you first met Ratonhnhaké:ton.

You continued around the other stalls, looking at the materials for making clothes, feeling the soft cotton. Interested in a baby blue fabric, you picked it up to inspect it. You were oblivious of the approaching figure until he gripped your forearm tight and pulled you away.

"H-hey! You need to pay for that!" the woman at the stall yelled as you got dragged away. Furious that you were pulled away from a nice time of browsing, you turned your head to scowl at the man. But as soon as you saw the white outfit, your eyes enlarged and you obeyed. He finally released you from his iron grip, a slight wince escaped your lips. And you looked up at Connor.

"I thought you said I would probably never see you again?" You said with a slight raise of one eyebrow. You could feel his eyes burn into yours even though you could not see them. As though he ignored your question, with a sudden lashing movement of his arm, he pointed to 3 lobsterbacks that were next to one of the stalls that you had browsed at.

"I see you failed to notice that you had been watched that entire time," Your mouth fell open slightly as the fact hit you hard. You have always been on the guards good side, and to now be watched by them, was nerve racking. Slowly, you turned back to Connor, your eyes not meeting his as you tried to dig deep into your mind to figure out why they would be watching you, but nothing shone bright.

"STOP HER, THIEF! SHE'S A THIEF!" The sudden shout pulled you from your thought and your head whipped around, to be met with guards heading towards you and Connor. The sound of bolting feet reached your ears, you looked down to find what you supposedly stole, and there gripped tight between your fingers was the blue fabric. Desperately, you turned to Connor, your face pleading for help. The footsteps got closer and shouts from the guards now seemed much closer, causing your heart to race. With a sigh, Connor took hold of the fabric and flung it towards the guards. The cloth unraveled and distracted the lobsterbacks, allowing the two of you to escape.

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