The Redcoats Are Coming

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Its been a while! I felt the need to get a chapter done to prove that this story has not been forgotten. What with trying to get my Syndicate story up and going, I put this story on hold, but, i may write odd chapters now and again like I have done today just so you don't have to wait until my Syndicate story has been completed.

So I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint. The plan for this chapter had been written a long time ago, and with a few adjustments, this is the result. I'm hoping to develop the readers and Connors relationship just that bit more, and i hope it suffices.


Voices echoed through the house as  Ratonhnhaké:ton and Achilles conversed, grabbing your undying attention. Tentatively, you padded down the wooden steps down into the bitterly cold basement, each step you took, you received an unsatisfying groan under your weight.

The two men's heads lifted, alerted by your presence, and they gave a small smile up to you before their attention returned back to the conversation they were having before.

With a sigh, Achilles replied to Ratonhnhaké:ton, "It's a start. But to truly be free of Templar influence, all of them must be dealt with in turn. Even your father,"

You watched from the bottom of the stairs as Ratonhnhaké:ton's head turned sharply to Achilles, "I know!"

"You speak the words, but do you believe them?"

Sudden, a knock on the door caused all of you to turn to look up the stairs. Immediately, you ascended up the stairs and towards the door to answer it. Ratonhnhaké:ton joined your side and eventually, so did Achilles, who held back slightly near the doorway of his room so he could lean against the doorframe. The door opened up to a man.

"Miss, Mr Kenway, a letter for you sir," The man handed over the letter to Ratonhnhaké:ton, who then opened it and read it.

"What is it?" Achilles asked from the doorframe, his elderly eyes watching Ratonhnhaké:ton as he continued to read the parchment in his gloved hand.

"A request for aid from Paul Revere. Seems the redcoats are up to something in Boston," Ratonhnhaké:ton informed, and your head snapped up, knowing exactly what it mean't, that Ratonhnhaké:ton was off again on a dangerous mission, last time he went off on a mission, he'd not come back for days, and when he did, he was injured. It sent a sickening churn in your stomach.

"Guess you made an impression on the Sons of Liberty," Achilles replied, his head nodding slightly. You took the letter and saw it continued on the back.

"They mistake me for one of their own," Ratonhnhaké:ton turned to the man who still remained at the door, "Please tell Mr Revere he has my sympathies, but I cannot help at present,"

"Ratonhnhaké:ton... It mentions Pitcairn," You said, and Ratonhnhaké:ton moved to stand beside you as he too read the back of the letter, his jaw clenching slightly as he did.

"Where am I to go?" Ratonhnhaké:ton asked as his head lifted up to the man.

"Mr Revere's house in Boston. If you like I can-" Before he can finish, Ratonhnhaké:ton pushed passed the man and walked down the steps and towards the stables, but your voice halted him.

"I want to come!"

"No," Ratonhnhaké:ton shook his head.

"Please Ratonhnhaké:ton! I want to join the brotherhood," You burst out, and Ratonhnhaké:ton halted once more, this time his eyes lifting to Achilles who was now stood at the front door.

"Are....are you sure about this [y/n]?"

"After what they have done to my shop, I couldn't be any more sure," You said indefinitely, and when Ratonhnhaké:ton received a nod of approval from Achilles, he held out his hand towards you.

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