Hangman's Noose

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Thunder raged through the inky night sky as you stormed along the frontier on your bolting steed. Sweat and tears rolled down your face with exertion and fear of what was to come. As you entered the Homestead, locals jumped out the way with gasps and exclamations as the horse powered through the small settlement towards the Davenport manor. 

Quickly, and clumsily, you jumped off the back of your horse, falling to your knees as you did so, but rushed up to your feet as you sped to the manor. Bursting through the door, you called out, "Achilles? ACHILLES?!"

"[Name]? What is it? Where's Connor?" Achilles' face furrowed with confusion, seeing you alone and covered in mud. 

"He's been arrested," You breathed out heavily, wiping the back of your hand across your sweat and rain covered forehead. 

"Arrested? On what charge?" 

"Counterfeiting," You lowered down into the nearest chair you could find, "He got caught up with Thomas Hickey,"

"Damn that boy," Achilles said as he lowered and shook his head. 

"What can we do, Achilles? We need to do something," 

"There's no need to rush. The most anyone would do to him is probably give him the whip,"

"THE WHIP?! Achilles, I can't let that happen-"

"I know, i know," Achilles sighed, knowing you would do anything in your power to not allow any harm to come to Ratonhnhaké:ton, "Let me think things over, we can discuss this in the morning. Now go rest, you have had a long ride,"


"HANGED?!" You exclaimed

"That's what I heard in the city," The scout replied, his head nodding and his lips pulled into a thin line. He had ridden hard back to the Homestead as soon as he heard the news of Ratonhnhaké:ton's fate, "By Charles Lee himself as he left Bridewell prison,"


"The day after tomorrow,"

"Fuck," You cursed under your breath as you stood from your seat and began to pace around the dining room that you stood within.

"I overheard Lee also say that he's pinned the murder of the warden on Connor too, there's no way to pardon him,"

"I think I'm gonna be sick," You said as your hand lifted to your mouth, covering it up as you ran into the kitchen to the sink.

Achilles watched you with a sigh, slowly figuring out what was wrong with you, "Thank you Henry. We need to make a plan now to get Connor out of this... for [Name]'s sake,"

"Another thing sir, George Washington himself will be there too. If there is to be a plot to kill Washington, then Hickey and his lot will have the most opportune moment,"

Achilles nodded, it was going to take some planning, but he had an idea, and it would require reaching out to a lot of people... and tonight.


2 days later

"Is everyone ready?" Achilles asked as he stood within the roaring crowd who waited for the hangings to start. A line was formed through the middle of the crowd which allowed for any prisoners to head towards the platform, where Charles Lee stood proud and smug.

"They're all in position,"

"Good, now get ready yourself. We will get him out of this. For you...and your baby," He looked tenderly into your eyes, his hand lifting to your arm as he did so. Your lips parted slightly, but closed, not really knowing what to say. With a nod, you made your way to the back of the platform. Your eyes flickered over to the far end of the street where the crowd began to get rowdier upon Ratonhnhaké:ton's approach. Your heart sunk at the sight of him, beaten, battered and bruised almost to unrecognition. You watched in anger, fire burning in your eyes, as the crowd threw rotten food over him. And then, as he almost reached the platform, a woman came out of the crowd and with such force, punched him across the face, knocking him to the ground. You gasped, your eyes widen and your body lurched forward, however your stopped yourself as Achilles pushed the woman back using his cane. Inaudible words were shared, and Ratonhnhaké:ton was soon back on his feet and up to the platform. 

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