The Tea Party

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Hey! I wasn't going to put this on yet, but I didn't know what else to add so I put it on anyway. So this is a day after (during sequence 6). Like I said on the last chapter, if you know what events happened on which dates, you'll know whats coming. And there is finally some Connor x Reader interactions so ... yay!



The Tea Party

December 16, 1773

Evening had came, and the seagulls were high in the bittersweet sky, squawking as they soared. You had just finished locking up the store after a diligently busy day at work. Many customers had came in to browse and more orders had been delivered. All which enhanced the aches and pains which you usually felt after the usual heavy lifting you do daily. But you enjoyed your job, you always dreamed of continuing your fathers business and to finally be in his position behind the till, it was a dream come true. Ever since your fathers death, you were determined to not let one bit of the store be lost to ruin, so once you were old enough, you grabbed your chance. Business was running well, and you never looked back on your decision.

The sky held a darkened orange hue colour as you walked the streets towards the harbour, the sun was almost gone beyond the horizon. Candle light lamps lit up the streets of Boston and a few passing citizens greeted you either by removing their hat, by nodding their head or by a friendly smile. You were well known in the middle class area of Boston. Well known by the fact that you owned one of the most popular general stores in Boston. It was close to the harbour, so it was close to the busiest part of the city.

As you edged closer to the harbour, a roar of cheering and rioting reached your ears. Many people ran by you, heading towards the docked ships at the port near by. Immediately, you were interested and headed towards the crowd to see what everyone was so excited about. Boston was one for being lively, but you have never heard a crowds so loud, or with so many people running to see what was going on, before. The crowd of people got thicker and with your hands, you gently pushed people aside to get to the front. Everyone crowded around a few ships, ships that held nothing more than crates of tea. The men aboard the ships, without any hesitation, dumped the tea into the sea below. In awe of their courage, you stood watch. You watched as the lobsterbacks came running on, trying desperately to stop the men, but failing as the men fought back. One man in particular had caught your eye. Dressed all in white like a dove, it was hard to miss him. His eyes were shadowed by a peaked hood which made you intrigued by him. He jumped from ship to ship, killing the guards without any effort. And then when possible, he threw the tea overboard. He was a truly magnificent man.

Eventually, all the tea, except from one crate, were overboard. The remaining crate was given to the mysterious man. His hidden gaze was fixed on someone hidden from your view, and with a tilt of his head , the crate slipped from his hold into the sea. With that, the men strolled away from the harbour. The man in white pushed past the crowd, and when he reached near you, his eyes locked onto you as he brushed past. With a frown of confusion, your eyes followed his receding figure.

What a strange man..

Walking back home had been quite nerve shaking. The streets began to become violent with many people fighting, and red coats running in formation to set locations to calm down the riots. But neither worked. In fact, the rioting became worse. The fights almost became blood baths, making you walk faster and searching desperately for a shortcut. You needed to get off of the streets. You headed down an alley, hidden by the shadows of the surrounding buildings, to try and avoid the craziness of the city that had erupted. But something made you feel much more on edge than when in the streets. Someone was follow you. You felt the heaviness on your back as though being watched by hidden eyes. However, as you looked around, you saw no one. Looking past your shoulder, you failed to avoid the collision of your body and someone elses.

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