The Search

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With the mission done, Ratonhnhaké:ton entered the last house which Addam's was in. His mind was somewhat restless, what with the thick presence of the redcoats, he just wanted to see you and see you were safe within the comforts of the fire inside the house. With a push to the door, he entered through and looked around immediately for you.

But you were not there.

"Where is she?" Ratonhnhaké:ton asked, his voice was quick, panicked, knowing that something had happened by the way that William's colour had drained almost instantly from his face at Ratonhnhaké:ton arrival.

"Connor I can explain-" William began to stutter, but Ratonhnhaké:ton stepped closer to him, grasping the lapels of his jacket and pulled him to his feet.

"Where is she!?"

"She fell from the horse passed the first village near the river," William explained, his voice rather shrilled and fearful of what Ratonhnhaké:ton would do to him, "She was shot Connor, she may not have survived,"

Ratonhnhaké:ton shoved William away from his iron grasp, and without another word, he left the house in search of you.


With a start, you're eyes snapped open despite their heaviness, and the milky white glow of the moon shone down through the thick trees upon your fallen body that laid on the foliage covered ground. Blood seeped heavily from your wounds making your head spin from light headedness.

No longer aware of your surroundings, you dazedly pushed yourself up to your feet and aimlessly prodded through the forest that surrounded you. Limp after limp you went, your body swaying to and fro.

"Ratonhnhaké:ton," You whispered out desperately and exhaustedly, "Shit..."

You knew you needed to somehow get home. But with no sense of direction in the dead of night, and with the worry of the nightly creatures, your head felt like a fuzzy mess, causing you to stumble and fall against the trunk of a tall tree.

An hour had passed, and faint lights shone through a window of a building in the distance. The sight of it uplifted your spirit, causing you to fill with determination, and so you pushed yourself faster out of the woodlands that surrounded you onto the pathway that led to the house.

Your eyes fought to adjust through their haziness, to seek out the stables. The slight movement of the horses as they shuffled restlessly and snorted caused you to figure out where they were, and so you pushed forward on the last stretch to your way back home.

As stealthily as you possibly could, you made your way across the courtyard of the small house and reached the stables. The horses snorted restlessly at you're arrival.

"Shhhh," You tried to calm them, leaning against the post as you tried to catch your breath, your eyes once more starting to blur. With a groan, you forced yourself to saddle up the horse, then once it was ready, you mounted onto its back. The pain tore through your arm and leg as you pulled yourself up, the damage clearly much worse than first imagined. But you knew you needed to carry on, to get back to the safety of the homestead and finally into Ratonhnhaké:ton's arms. And so with a steady of your breath, you kicked the horses side, and it bolted out from the stables with a loud whine.





Still more silence. Ratonhnhaké:ton was beginning to lose hope, though he would not stop searching the whole expanse of the wild frontier if it mean't he would eventually find you, dead or alive. Though he hoped for alive.

"Where are you?" He spoke out shakily from under his breath. What if he did find you dead? He didn't think he'd be able to cope losing his best friend, and though he doesn't like to admit it, his first love. Not once did he imagine himself falling in love with you, especially after all that had happened with the fire, the way you left him without a goodbye. But then how could he not? He had loved you as a friend since you first met, and since your arrival, his love just grew stronger and stronger.

He continued along the path, and in the distance he saw the first body, dressed in a red uniform that he knew all too well. His heart leapt out of his skin, and without any hesitation, he sprinted over to the many dead soldiers dotted along the path's floor. He looked through the bodies frantically in search of you, but when he didn't see you, it gave him some form of relief that escaped his lips with a sigh.

If you weren't there, then he knew you must have moved from the path, either to find a way home or you're still in the forest, dead. He dreaded the thought of seeing you lifeless on the ground, but he knew he HAD to find you. Turning on the spot, he looked around for any other lead he could find on you, and he followed a trail of blood that led deep into the forest. The leaves crunched beneath his feet as he followed the spots of blood, until finally the spots turned into a puddle.

All colour drained from his features. The trail had stopped, but you were nowhere to be seen, so what could that mean? He only hoped his instincts were right in telling him to go home, and so he pushed himself up to his feet and made his way back to where he left his horse.


The first signs of light signalled your full nights ride, and you were utterly exhausted by the sudden exertion you forced upon yourself. Your body was weakening immensely to the point where you could no longer keep yourself sat upright, and so your body slumped against the horses back. Loosely you wrapped your arms around its neck, trying to hold on with all your remaining strength as the horse continued its trot through the forest.

But as your shoulder continued to bleed, the blood seeping down your arm and staining the horses chestnut fur, you could no longer keep your eyes open. Eventually, you passed out.

With a thud, your body slipped from the horses back and fell to the foliage covered ground. The chestnut mare reared and whined in distress to your injured and almost lifeless form. It's distress echoed through the forest, and reached the ears of Myriam. She had been looking through the forest in search of poachers, but was alerted by the noise, and slowly went to investigate.

"[Y/N]?" She called once she saw your body sprawled out upon the ground, "[Y/N]!"

With a gasp, she crashed down to her knees and checked your breathing. Seeing that you were still alive, she steadied the horse, calming it with a hush and a pat to it's beck, and lifted you upon it with a groan. Her hand gently stroked your head in worry, "Connor has been looking all over for you, poor thing! Lets take you back home!"

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