Cross the Battlefield

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I said I was going to publish the remaining chapters altogether, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to post this one separately. Enjoy!


June 1775

A cloud of smoke whisked into the humid air as you fired the flintlock pistol towards your target, a block of chopped wood that stood on a tree stump firmly held in the ground with its vice grip. The sea breeze that blew over the cliff side where you stood calmed you as you focused, and you watched with eagle eyes as the bullet hit the block and knocked it to the floor with such force that it gave a loud thump. Your eyes lit up and turned to Ratonhnhaké:ton.

"A hit on every target... I'm impressed," He nodded slowly with approval, his arms folded tightly across his chest with such authority. A smile slowly broke out on his face as pride emitted from his being over your success, "I'm very impressed,"

"I may have been doing some target practice whilst you've been out," You giggled giddily and began to load the pistol once more with powder and a lead ball. As you did,  Ratonhnhaké:ton walked over to the stump and placed another block of wood onto the stump. Raising the pistol once more to shoot, a voice stopped you in your tracks.

"Excuse me...Mr Kenway?" Came a voice with a thick Irish accent. A man, small yet well built, walked up the hill to the cliffside.  Ratonhnhaké:ton's brows furrowed slightly and unfolded his arms as the man approached, "I have a letter for you from Samual Addams, sir,"

  Ratonhnhaké:ton opened the sealed letter, and as he read each word, a sigh escaped his lips, "Sorry [Name], training will have to be put on hold. I've been asked to go see a Mr. Putnam at Bunker Hill,"

"Isn't it dangerous over there at the moment?" You asked, your face falling slightly as did your arm. You had heard from the locals in the homestead about the fighting in that area. Guns and cannon shots could be heard for miles around, the thought of war sent shivers down your spine. The progression of the war was a bloody one, and you saw it with your own eyes as each battle took place, the British and the patriots tearing each other apart. You really didn't like the thought of Ratonhnhaké:ton going into battle, more so without you there to at least do your part.

"It sure is ma'am, battle is taking place as we speak, and they need all the help they can get," The messenger began to step back towards his horse with a suggested nod to Ratonhnhaké:ton. You knew then that Ratonhnhaké:ton had no choice but to follow, and you knew that he was never going to pass up the opportunity to help if it mean't a step towards helping his people. Ratonhnhaké:ton took a deep breath in as he stepped over to your slumped form, his worn hands finding themselves upon your waist and his lips upon your forehead. 

"Keep practicing, I shouldn't be long, probably a day or two-"

"I'm coming with you," You said as you looked up at him with your fiery eyes, burning in the mornings sun light which ignited with each word that spilled from your mouth. Of course you weren't going to let him go alone. Even if you were little help to the battle, surely there was something you could do to help. 


"I'm coming, don't try talking me out of this Ratonhnhaké:ton. I know you want to protect me, but once this training is done, you won't be able to stop me from doing the things you deem dangerous. Even if I can't do a lot in terms of the battle, maybe I can help with the wounded or help some other way. I just want to do my part..." 

With a clench of his jaw, Ratonhnhaké:ton finally gave in, his strong hands falling from your waist and falling to your hands in which he picked up and brought to his lips. Once his eyes met yours once more, they were different. They were melted compared to the usual hardness that most people saw, "You are a brave woman, [name]. A very brave woman. No matter how many times things have gone sour, you never let it beat you down," 

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