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Unwavering Tenacity


Hey guys, this is my first Assassin's Creed fanfiction, and my first fanfiction on wattpad. I have done one fanfiction for Sherlock which I will probably put up soon but for now, I'm putting this fanfiction up because I am happy with my first chapter so might aswell. Oh and another thing, this is my first character x reader so please be kind to me. 

So the first chapter is going to be in third person but then from then on, it will be the readers point of view, so please don't be put off on the first chapter. I don't intend to put you off but I just needed to get the history between Connor and the reader. 

Anyway enough blabbing! Enjoy :)

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The morning sun's rays shone down on the vast greenery of the Mohawk Valley. The brightness of nature illuminated, colours more fascinating than those of a single flower. The sound of birds singing as they soared through the sky was peaceful, and the rustling of bushes proceeded as small animals of the forest awoke from their slumber. The morning was tranquil. 

In the village of Kanatahséton, life was halcyon, children played by the lake. The water was settled under the gentle breeze and it reflected the suns powerful beam. Towering trees stood tall in their place like giant statues. Men of the village  were preparing themselves to hunt within the wilderness of the forest. They put their wooden bows and arrows upon their broad backs, and gathered all the necessary weapons and equipment needed for a successful hunt. Deer and (if they were lucky) bear were targets that were set in their mind; they were determined to get enough food to feed their people for the week. Woman tended to the crops as they harvested the fruit and vegetables that were ripe and ready. As for the elders, they all sat around the fire as they called upon the spirits to look over the men as they hunt. 

Everything was going by the normal routine as the morning went on, all the children darted around the village, except for one, Ratonhnhaké:ton. Ratonhnhaké:ton had only just turned 4 years old a few days before. And just like any other child, turning a year older mean't he was a step closer to being allowed further into the forest. When he confronted his mother, Kaniehtí:io, about going to the river at the edge of the valley, she told him that it was somewhere he must not wander towards due to the dangers of the waterfall that he may face. This however, did not ease him away, but drew him closer. Going against his mother's rules, he ventured further and further into the forest - away from the village's spiked walls- the suns light filtered through the branches of the trees. Fallen red leaves crunched under his feet as he came closer to the river. Soon enough, he could hear the trickling water of the river not too far from where he stood. 

The forest eventually opened up to the fresh running water of the river, Ratonhnhaké:ton smiled at the sight of the river running rapidly and freely. In the distance was the lake that he could see all too well from his longhouse, but from this perspective, it held a certain allure. Bees flew around the harmonious flowers that lived by the rushing water, and fish of various sizes swam freely in the clear river. This place was enchanting, full of life, and Ratonhnhaké:ton had no regrets at defying his mothers rules. With big strides, he walked over to the rivers bed and sat himself down on the muddy waters edge. He admired the way the fish swam effortlessly against the waters current. Without any hesitation, he took off his deer skinned boots and dipped his bare feet into the fresh water, sighing at the sensation of the water that weaved in and out of his toes.

"H-hello," A bitter sweet, high toned voice came from behind the native boy, which startled him and made his head turn in response. Stood before him, was a young girl with [h/l] [h/c] hair that was in tight ringlets upon her head. A pale blue and white dress covered her small figure, which was lightly covered in patches of dirt. Hands held together, her arms were behind her, showing her obvious nervousness as she cautiously spoke to the strange boy. Ratonhnhaké:ton was could answer the girl as he continued to stare into her beautiful big [e/c] eyes, she began to shift from one foot to the other.

Assassin's Creed III: Unwavering TenacityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz