Continental Congress

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Ratonhnhaké:ton's wounds were deeper than first imagined as you cleaned away the blood. Your brows furrowed as you inspected the damage, poking and prodding at the wound upon his thigh, they bayonet clearly going deep. Using a needle and thread, you began to stitch the wound closed.

"Thank you [Name]... for everything," Ratonhnhaké:ton said quietly, as though the silence was sacred, being careful not to completely shatter it into a thousand shards of glass.

You looked up at him with a warming smile. Ever since you both arrived back at the Homestead, relatively in one piece, your whole being relaxed and a wash of relief overcame you, "I'd do anything for you,"

Silence overcame you as you finished the stitching and began to wrap the cleaned wound with a bandage. Once covered, you then began on cleaning the less serious wounds.

"It's not just that. It's the fact that you have shown me just how strong of a woman you are. You have proved me wrong in so many ways. You have shown me... that I shouldn't underestimate you. And for that, I want to apologise,"

"Hey hey, shhh," You hushed him, shaking your head, "Don't apologise. I know you were only protecting me, as I have done for you because I love you,"

"And I love you too," He smiled softly, his hand lifting to your cheek, stronging you skin with his thumb. However, the bittersweet moment soon disappeared as your smile slowly fell. Noticing this, Ratonhnhaké:ton's hand fell, "What is it?"

"I.... I have to tell you something, but I don't know how you're going to react," Your eyes fell to the hands on your lap, unable to meet his gaze, too nervous that what you were going to tell him will push him away.

"Go on,"

"The... um... the reason I have been ill recently, why I have been so irritable," You hesitated, but took a deep breath, lifted your eyes to meet his and finally told him, "Is because I'm pregnant,"

He froze. Like a statue. And it caused your heart to drop in that very moment. You were hoping for a happy reaction, happiness that he would be a father, happiness that he could share something with you that is so precious and so deep. And yet there was no reaction at all.

"Ratonhnhaké:ton... please, say something," You whispered, your heart pounding in fear.

"I-I don't know what to say," He said quietly, his eyes falling down to his own hands.

"Aren't you happy?" You craned your neck slightly to try and look at his face, seeing no smile.


Sudden silence.

"I'm ecstatic," A smile finally broke out upon his face, which did nothing more than cause you to burst out crying. Relief, happiness, overwhelming happiness. It was enough to cause you to cry, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in.

"I'm so glad," You spluttered out causing Ratonhnhaké:ton to chuckle out.

"More than happy, though this would mean that you and the baby could be a target, my weakness. I can't risk you or the baby getting hurt," He shook his head.

"I know," You nodded in agreement, "I know that once I will no longer be able to hide my pregnancy, I will no longer be able to help. And it's a sacrifice I'm willing to take,"

Joy filled the air between you, and Ratonhnhaké:ton crushed your lips with his own. Your hearts were one, the spark between you lighting up more than it ever has before.

"There is one thing I will ask of you," Ratonhnhaké:ton said as he slowly pulled away from the kiss, his forehead resting against yours. Your eyes opened and you looked into his, waiting for an answer, "Marry me?"

A grin spread across your face at his words, and you instantly wrapped your arms around his neck, "Yes! Of couse,"


June 16th 1775

"It's quite impressive, what you've accomplished,"

Ratonhnhaké:ton followed Achilles through the hall. All three of you had travelled to Philadelphia to do as Ratonhnhaké:ton said he was going to do. Warn Washington of the plot that still continues to threaten his life.

"Is that a compliment?" Ratonhnhaké:ton asked almost in shock that Achilles was finally beginning to soften up to him. All those months of arguing, now have led them both to this moment.

"Now don't misconstrue. I'm sure the whole endeavor will end tragically. But to have come this far... Well, it's more than I ever expected," Achilles shrugged his hunched shoulders. Ratonhnhaké:ton shook his head.

"The people yearned for freedom, but feared to grab hold of it. That fear is gone now,"

"Thanks to you," You slipped in, causing Ratonhnhaké:ton to smirk slightly at you in return.

"No. This they did on their own," He replied modestly.

Achilles shook his head gently, "You diminish your role. But you've always been a humble heart,"

"I do what is right. No more. No less,"

"You cannot tell him," Your eyes lifted to Achilles, on the otherside of the door you all stood before was George Washington, and you were about to break the news that more people are after to kill him.

"I have to. Otherwise, he will never be safe,"

"He is safer not knowing! By planting the seeds of doubt, you threaten to topple his entire endeavor. If Washington is paralyzed, Charles Lee will strike. You'll cause the very thing you aim to prevent. Hunt the Templars, as is your duty. But do not drag these men into it,"

"Ratonhnhaké:ton, maybe Achilles is right," You shrugged, finding truth the Achilles words.

Without word, Ratonhnhaké:ton entered the room nevertheless, and you remained outside with Achilles. Minutes went by, and nothing but mutters could be heard from the other side of the door. However, when the door finally opened and Ratonhnhaké:ton emerged, you could see he was unpleased.

"He's in New York, busy claiming it back from the British,"

"So now is not the time to tell him then, Ratonhnhaké:ton. Maybe when the time is more suited, maybe just focus on keeping the Templars away from him may be the better idea?" You suggested, and Ratonhnhaké:ton nodded in agreement.

"I guess so, but it may be beneficial if I aid him. Stay alongside him perhaps?"

"But do not stray from your duties," Achilles said, "Target them down and rid of them once and for all,"

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