Ghostly Kiss

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A shooting pain raged through your form, jolting you awake from your peaceful and well needed slumber. You're eyes fluttered open, seemingly sticking together from the hours and hours you'd been asleep. It was all beginning to take it's toll on your injured body. The bullet wound on your shoulder and the deep slash upon your thigh. It was something you had never experienced before... wounds from being attacked, it should have made you fear what may be round the next corner. But it didn't.

You looked around. You recognised this room from the blue painted panels, the gold candelabras, the painting of the manor overlooking the cove above the fireplace. And what more, your clothing peaking out from the lid of the chest in the corner of your room. You were home. With a sigh of relief, your body instantly relaxed. You were alive, and in the comforts of your own bed, and that's all that mattered to you at the moment. No more fighting for survival, no more biting of the freezing cold. Instead, the heat of the fire warmed your skin, and you could have stayed there forever.

The creek of the floorboards caught your attention, and stood in the doorway was Ratonhnhaké:ton with a worried expression plastered across his copper skinned face. Your heart skipped a beat at his appearance. You had thought that you had seen his face for the very last time before you set off with William, but here you are, once more with Ratonhnhaké:ton there before you, and you were very much alive.

"[Y/N]..." He whispered out as he pushed himself away from the doorway and slowly padded over to the bed where he lowered himself down on the edge. Hesitantly, he lifted his hand to your cheek and stroked your cheekbone with his thumb, "I was so worried..."

Without a word, you simply closed your eyes to his soft touch and immersed yourself in his presence. A lump formed in your throat, and eventually you found it was impossible to keep your emotions contained. Finally tears fell from your eyes and a ragged breath was inhaled.


The way he called your name made you body lurch even more into tears. All emotions poured out of you, and there was no way you were able to stop them, nor did you want them to.

"You're safe now, and very much alive, which I am so so grateful of the Great Spirit for," He sighed out, wiping away the tears that cascaded freely down your face.

You opened your eyes and peered up into Ratonhnhaké:ton's brown eyes that looked just as warm as melted chocolate, which would make your taste buds explode with the creamy texture and your eyes dilating with greed for the want of more. Without another word, Ratonhnhaké:ton bowed down his head and your lips met gently. Lips upon lips in the most ghostly of touches, it had you holding your breath in fear that the moment would break away there and then if you ever did breathe.

You didn't know what it was, but your heart raced erratically from his affections... was this love? Was this what you called out for in your sleep in the forest? Then, as he pulled away, his lips mere inches from yours, you felt his words upon his lips with a hot breath.

"I love you,"

There it was, and it never sounded so bittersweet to your ears before. And indeed, you loved him back.


As morning rose, the birds singing their tuneful song and the waves crashing against the shore at the bottom of the cliff, you woke just as refreshed as any other morning before. You gave out a softened sigh, and a small smile crept over your face. All your pain was dulled with the enlightenment of your soul. Nothing could bring you down from your high.

Your mind wandered to Ratonhnhaké:ton, and you knew you wanted to make him happy, to help him in whatever way possible, to love him as much as you physically and mentally could.

With that in mind, you pushed your aching body out of the bed, wrapping your cotton dress robe around your body and hobbled your way out of your room and downstairs. The creak of the stairs alerted Ratonhnhaké:ton that you were awake and on the move, and he immediately made his way out of the sitting room up the stairs to help you the rest of the way down.

"What are you doing up out of bed eh?" He asked, his voice laced with concern for your wellbeing, "You should still be in bed,"

"I have something to tell you and Achilles," You explained, but Ratonhnhaké:ton's brows furrowed as he questioned you.

"Can it not wait?"

"No, I need to get this off my chest," You said more firmly and determined. With a slight hesitation, Ratonhnhaké:ton helped you into the sitting room where Achilles sat in his high backed arm chair, and his elderly eyes lifted upon their entrance.

"Ah, [Y/N]! You're looking much better," Achilles' croaked voice husked out, and you gave him a soft smile.

"I'm feeling better,"

"So what is it you wanted to tell us," Ratonhnhaké:ton asked as he helped you lower down into the arm chair opposite, and he crouched down beside you as he waited for you to speak.

"Well after all thats happened, and after having a long time to decide what I wanted to do, i've finally come to a decision," You began, "I want to join the brotherhood and fight along side of you,"

"Are you sure you want to do this? After all you've been through?" Ratonhnhaké:ton asked, worried that you hadn't thought this through properly.

"I'm more than sure. After almost dying by the hands of the British, at least then I will die for a purpose, I will die a martyr," You shrugged, "i'd rather die that way than die with no purpose at all,"

Ratonhnhaké:ton and Achilles both exchanged looks, and with a nod from Achilles, Ratonhnhaké:ton looked back over to you, "Fine, we will train once you are fit and well again,"

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